Minutes of Meeting 2 February 2015


Christine Johnson: Memberships are $10.

John Sankey: Presented the agenda and asked for approval.
Motion: To approve the December 2014 minutes as noted. Moved by Vanessa Sutton, seconded by Al Gullon, approved.

John Sankey: There are two issues before the Councillor: One is a proposal to put in a student residence near Brookfield High School and the other is traffic accidents on the curve on McCarthy Road south of the railway tracks.

Traffic Accidents on the curve on McCarthy Road
John Sankey: The NCC has removed the fence because cars kept running into it. The obvious solution would be to put in concrete barriers but they are prohibited by the province.
Sue McCarthy: Could the road be straightened?
John Sankey: It could if some trees in McCarthy Woods were cut down but they are protected and the NCC would object.
Al Gullon: Could the road be banked?
John Sankey: The Councillor has the staff response and he has summarized a report which is available on request.
Bernadette Ryan: There are two intersections of Plante and McCarthy. She is talking about the northern one with traffic lights. She is concerned about the speed of vehicles at this intersection. From Plante turning left onto McCarthy, she is concerned about the speed of vehicles on McCarthy approaching the intersection from the south. From McCarthy turning right onto Plante she is concerned about the speed of vehicles behind her.

Treasurer's Report
Peter Foulger: Presented the Treasurer's report. He renewed the term deposit of $6044 at the Alterna Bank. He received a cheque of $300 from the City for the projector we bought for the public education program.
Christine Johnson: She will follow up on unpaid sponsorships.

Sue McCarthy: Five sponsorships are confirmed and one unconfirmed. The Councillor Riley Brockington will write an article for the next issue. So will Christine Johnson, Al Gullon and John Sankey. The newsletter has a link to the HCCO website and she will add links to the Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Public Education
Vanessa Sutton: The second session was about Aging with Dignity. One of points was moderate exercise has a very positive effect on dementia. She is looking for ways to encourage moderate exercise such as walking.
Ijeoma Udechukwu: There is a group that walks around the track at the Community Centre. She walks across the pedestrian bridge regularly.

Paul Landry Park
Peter Foulger: Paul Landry Park is the park most in need of clean up.
Christine Johnson: We need to see who would like to help fix it up. It should be safe and attractive to families. Maybe we could put community gardens on it.
John Sankey: The City is taking down a quarter of all the trees. Some are ash, some are trash. It's not taking down the buck thorns. There is a volunteer group interested in cleaning up but it has to wait until the City is finished cutting down the trees. There was a discussion of a locale to host a meeting of the volunteers. Two locales were discussed: Shearwater Community Centre and the Hunt Club/Riverside Community Centre. It was decided to host the event at the Hunt Club/Riverside Community Centre, April 13 2015.

Performers' Night
Christine Johnson: She would like to form an ad-hoc committee to organize a performers' night. She sees this as a once-a-month event at the Hunt Club/Riverside Community Centre. Anyone interested in performing or helping set it up should contact her.
Sue McCarthy: She has been involved with Open Stage. There should be one or two mics, a PA system and there should be an MC (Master of Ceremonies). The Greenboro Community Centre organizes hosts winter activities. Is that a role we could play here?

Community Gardens
John Sankey: He has been involved with community gardens in the old city of Gloucester and on NCC land. You need a core group and a place where there are no predatory animals.
Brian Wade: He lives in Uplands Court. It's a housing development next to Cahill Park. He is inspired by the Just Food project. He suggests Cahill Park could be used for community gardens. Uplands Court could supply the water. The City has money to encourage community gardens. Off-leash dogs are allowed in the Park so they would have to be considered.

Next meeting: Monday March 2, at 19:00