Minutes of Meeting 3 December 1979


In the absence of both the President and the Acting President, T.Denison was asked to Chair the meeting.

Minutes: Minutes of the June 18th meeting were formally adopted, and a report from a special meeting held October 29th was also received. It was thought that minutes from at least one meeting not attended by the secretary may be missing.

Bus Route Changes in bus routing were discussed, along with letters to and from the transit authorities. The general consensus following the change from Cahill to Plante was that there will always be some complaints, but the area was basically well served. Attention was drawn to the new route 87 linking the area to Billings Bridge, and the general policy that no more than a % mile or two blocks walk should be required to reach a bus route.

School M.Wiseman reported a request to pay $20 for meetings held in the school, when the school not otherwise open. School Board should be contacted, and will follow up with a report next meeting. M.Gelston drew attention to the generally poor outside lighting around school areas. With after hours activities involving children and early hours of darkness, she felt this invited vandalism or other trouble. While there was general agreement, no motion was presented.

Parks Earlier promises have not been fulfilled, and L.Hockey reported שששש no further action from City Hall .An earlier President *s letter was mentioned, but no copy was available, and a follow up asking for firm answers was proposed. Follow up required.

Gas/Oil The Hunt Club Chase community meeting was explained.Students to survey Chase area in January, conversion next summer if \ agree

Administration Discussion centered around several topics - notice of meeting, phone calls not always possible, mailed agenda, mail notice of meeting.

Agenda It was moved (Green/Gelston) that "No meeting of this executive may start without an agenda having been prepared", carried. It was moved (Denison/Hampson) "Agenda for the next following meeting should be prepared,at least in part,before the close of the previousmeeting". Carried.

Executive P.LaBerge asked regarding executive vacancy, and for a review of committee structure and objective. Suggested establish objective: where none exist. Wiseman suggested asking incumbents how they now see their own positions.

Priorities it was noted the year-end is approaching. Stress on both membership and public relations was suggested.

Fund Raising A dance or similar function for fund raising purposes was suggested, twice a year being thought ideal, in the spring and fall of each year. School Advisory Committee has such events, but we receive no benefit.

Next Meeting: Monday January 7th, 7-9 pm Byrns Curry School.

There being no further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 8.45 pm.