Minutes of Meeting 18 March 1980


As co-Chairman, T.Denison welcomed those present, referring to citizen participation in other areas, he said it had not happened here because p lanning was done before there were citizens in area. He explained format for evening
1: Presentations by guests
2: Association discussion panel - Laberge/Hockey
3: Questions from floor.

Mayor Dewar thanked everyone for coming, referred to earlier meetings, problems, concerns and unanswered questions. She said she hopes to resolve these, get input and reach solutions.

Tongs reviewed early history, why "western community", ideas for district centre, and said facilities had been planned for eventual population of 17,000, present only 14,000 due to lower family sizes. This affects plans - e.g. nujmber of schools needed. Reviewing progress, he said Holy Family School Field to be used this summer, Byrns Currie to be seeded. Aquatic and play areas to be built this year, path surface and outdoor classrooms during summer.To be essentially complete by fall 1980.

Roberts explained Copeland report, naming sites Owl as #1, Cahill #2, area near A&P #3 and in west, by HC Woods #4. Said original concepts must change as school boards having second thoughts. Priorities in sequence given.

Tongs added this year, $100,000 is to be spent to finish Owl Drive, $54000 to do basic development south-central part of #2, and we must decide how to proceed with major development.

Questions :Should we look at trading land parks-school if no school to be built on Cahill ?

Omitting community response from the executive, the balance of the evening went to questions from the floor.Key questions or comments:

Adjournment approx 10 pm