Minutes of Meeting 31 March 1980


Minutes of last executive meeting and the March 18 public meeting were reviewed. An agenda was decided upon.

A.Mountain will verify all arrangements are complete for the meeting on home security - double checking with police etc, and will request sound system for floor mikes. Mountain will chair the meeting. We were advised that a petition for more policing is to be presented.

Mountain advised that he had heard rumours that major buildings were slated for development on the NCC land between the community and Riverside South. Buildings to be used for storage of major equipment with arrangements made with city for bus storage. Unless access were from the parkway, this would create considerable heavy traffic in both communities, but especially Riverside South, and it was agreed that A.Mountain would alert his counterpart.

Plans for the May 7th annual meeting were reviewed. Starting time : 7.30pm As the communities recreation report was omitted in March, this to be included and city asked to help pay printing costs. It could be billed as an update to encourage attendance. LaBerge and Hockey to prepare. LaBerge to ask city re printing leaflets Green to prepare original artwork, pass to LaBerge Mountain-Weisman to get cheque to school for room rent Mountain to notify Scouts flyers will be ready in 3 weeks approx. It was agreed sound equipment was essential There should be transportation reports (Denison) and notes on other developments of interest. (Gelston ?) (Mountain as president?) Elections would be held first thing in the evening, as it was felt that other items on agenda would encourage fast resolution of formalities.

Nominating committee (Denison, LaBelle, McLellan) to work with retiring president Mountain on nomination report.

The committee was advised that Diane Landry had declined to accept a position on the executive.

Weisman reported the city soon to start collecting bottles/tins/paper.

LaBerte reported a meeting at his house, several areas represented for short term discussions. 3 sites to be checked at Easter. Says may get 80/90,000 rather than 54,000 dollars. Recreation committee has good representation now.

Next meeting was set for May 5th, 7pm. Agenda primarily to concern coming annual meeting plus any late additions.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8.15.