Minutes of Meeting 1 May 2000


Motion: Alan Asselstine moved that the community use compost provided by the Region to improve the boulevards in the community. Alan will be the chair and Des will coordinate the effort. Liz Russell seconded. Carried

Motion: Alan Asselstine moved to approve in principle the proposal except that the grant be equivalent to 60 family memberships. Peter Brimacombe seconded. Carried.

Wendy Stewart presented a written report: The Medical Officer of health reports that water quality at Mooney's Bay was excellent in 1999 and he has recommended that it be open for swimming in 2000 without restriction. The Airport Parkway will be twinned, Riverside Drive will not be widened but River Road will be. The Alta Vista Parkway has been on the Official Plan for many years, it will be pushed to completion. The Alta Vista Parkway is opposed by a coalition of downtown neighbourhoods: Sandy Hill, Centre Town, The Glebe and Ottawa East. Ridership on OC Transpo is up. Rabies in wild animals and stray pets is a danger, beware! Bruce Thom who is presently the City Manager of Edmonton, Alberta has been hired as the City Manager of the new City of Ottawa [the new City of Ottawa is the whole of Ottawa/Carleton].

Peter Foulger complained that Hunt Club Bridge is at capacity. Wendy Stewart: there are no plans to expand it.

Alan Asselstine complained that the resurfacing of the Airport Parkway was poorly done. There is a seam along the track where the right wheels of the vehicles would normally follow. On other roads the seam is in the exact centre of the road where the wheels normally do not touch. Because of its poor onstruction, the Airport Parkway is breaking up faster and bicycle travel is more dangerous.

Jim Bickford presented a written report. There are a dozen properties south of Hunt Club on the east bank of the Rideau River, this area is known as Uplands-on-the-Rideau. The zoning of this area has been corrected to allow single detached houses. Ji m presented a proposal for the property owned by the Ottawa Carleton School Board at Cahill and McCarthy. The Metropolitan Bible Church have put forward a preliminary plan showing a church, seniors residences and townhouses on the property.

Kathy Ablett: The library at Blossom Park is temporary and the $500,000 allocated for a new library should be kept.

Brian Gifford: There are not enough family-oriented services in our neighbourhood.

Wendy Stewart: There is no police centre, no centre for social services and no municipal centre.

Nancy Seaby: On June 14 the Hunt Club Riverside Recreation Association (HCRRA) will hold its Annual General Meeting, Mayor Jim Watson will attend. The HCRRA pays the Hunt Club Community Organization (HCCO) money obtained from selling memberships. The collection of memberships is ackward and the Policy Committee of the HCRRA proposes to pay the HCCO an annual grant instead, based on the equivalent of 30 family memberships.

Peter Brimacombe said that development of the property at Cahill and McCarthy should follow community needs and he asked for people that would like to take part in the planning. Kathy Ablett, Gisèle Loiselle-Branch, Fred McLennan and Des Walker said they would.

Fred Mclennan said that most of the city and regional planning staff were working on the transition and so are not available to our community to help us plan the development of the Cahill and McCarthy property.

Alan Asselstine will inquire into the role of the Transition Board with respect to the sale and development of the Cahill and McCarthy property.

Next meeting: Mon 5 Jun 2000 at 7:30pm