Minutes of Meeting 11 September 2000


Regional Councillor, Wendy Stewart, presented a report on the following:

Peter Brimacombe said that the orginal plan for the Alta Vista Parkway included the collector/distributors on either side of the Queensway and that the downtown neighbourhoods are absolutely opposed to them.

Brian Gifford said that he will be running for the position of Trustee for the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board. He believes that the Provincial funding formula is causing chaos in the school system in general and our local schools in particular. Good luck Brian!

Nancy Seaby: there will be an All-Candidates meeting October 18 at the Community Centre. Mike Wollock from CJOH will preside. All candidates for the positions of Mayor and Councillor of the River Ward will be invited to participate. These positions will be for the new City of Ottawa, which encompasses the same area as the old Regional Municipality of Ottawa/Carleton. The Riverside and Quinterra Community Associations will also support the meeting. Nancy raised the issue of articles in the Hunt Club News; she felt that the source of the article be identified. Wendy Stewart made the point that, since the Hunt Club News would not accept anonymous letters, then it should not publish anonymous articles. The Board agreed.

Allan Asselstine reported that Peter Vasdi asked for $50 to support the Hunt Club Community Web Site.

Motion: Peter Brimacombe moved that the Association give $50 to Peter Vasdi to pay for the Web Site, seconded by Brian Gifford. carried.

Next meeting: Mon 2 Oct 2000 at 7:30pm