Minutes of Meeting 5 February 2001



Des Walker moved that the financial statement be approved, seconded by Dave Lamb, carried.

Susanne Lapointe moved that the Organization send flowers to Nicole Parent who was injured at the public meeting on January 31, 2001. Seconded by Kathy Ablett, carried.

Jan Malek presented a written report on behalf of Wendy Stewart:

Kathy Ablett: the snow banks near McCarthy and Hunt Club restrict the line-of-sight of traffic and they should be removed.

Des Walker prepared a written report. He estimates that based on the number of housing units and observed buses and other vehicles that there are 444 vehicles on Cahill West during the peak hours and that the Minto development would add another 70 vehicles.

Don Gratton : Cahill Drive is carrying more traffic than a local street even though it is officially classified as a local street.

Mike Nihmey is very concerned about the volume of traffic on McCarthy at Cahill Drive. He prepared a list of eight measures to reduce the traffic on McCarthy and to better distribute traffic throughout the neighbourhood. There were concerns that these measures would reduce access to the homes in the neighbourhood.

Art Miskew said that we need better enforcement of the existing speed limit on McCarthy Road.

Kathy Ablett: there should be traffic lights at the intersection of McCarthy and Cahill. Nancy Seaby said that the installation of traffic lights was governed by strict warrants on traffic volume. A number of comments were made supporting the idea of traffic lights.

Discussion returned to the Minto Development: Susanne Lapointe was concerned about the density, Dan Gratton was concerned that the trees would be preserved and Des Walker pointed out that the units would be only 45 inches apart and that this could be a fire hazard.

Kathy Ablett said that if Minto gave cash in lieu of 5% of the land, that the money should be directed to the Hunt Club Community Centre.

Alan Asselstine said that we need a plan of attack, that we should prepare a list of questions for Minto.

The City will accept comments on the development until March 3, 2001. Peter Brimacombe agreed to meet with residents to prepare comments for the March 3 deadline.

Alan Asselstine presented the financial statement for fiscal 1999-2000.

Fred McLennan chaired the election of a new board of directors, positions are as follows:

Alan Asselstine moved to adjourn, seconded by Kathy Ablett, carried.

Next meeting: Mon 5 Mar 2001 at 7:30pm