Minutes of Meeting 6 May 2002


Motion: Peter Brimacombe moved to give $100.00 to the Victoria Day Activities, seconded by Nancy Seaby, carried.

Fred McLennan: Minto Development on McCarthy: The cuts across McCarthy were made to connect to existing water and sewer lines on the other side. Cahill Drive will be closed between McCarthy and Twyford to allow more connections to existing water and sewer lines on the other side of Cahill.

Last meeting Alan Asselstine pointed out that the bicycle path between Cahill Drive and the Airport Parkway had been severely damaged by construction. City staff believe that use of the path is unsafe and want to avoid liability. The Community Organization reluctantly agreed and recommended that the City repair the path but post signs stating that it is not a public pathway and users do so at their own risk.

Nancy Seaby: The Community Resource Centre (CRC) is offering a day camp this summer for children ages 6 to 12 at the United/Anglican Riverside Church. Cost is $10/week per child. The store in the A & P Plaza where David's Pizza used to be, will soon be renovated for the CRC. The CRC will organize a clean-up of McCarthy Park as part of its Youth Zone project.

Peter Brimacombe suggested that the young people could improve the pathways through McCarthy Woods by cutting down the thorn trees. It was pointed out that the land belonged to the National Capital Commission (NCC) and the project would need its permission. Peter Brimacombe offered to see what could be done.

Nancy Seaby: The Sawmill Creek Watershed Study needs members to sit on the Public Advisory Committee.

Next meeting: Mon 3 Jun 2002 at 7:30pm