Minutes of Meeting 3 June 2002


Wendy Stewart: Wendy visited a pig farms and a dairy farm to see how modern agriculture is carried out. The dairy farm had an automatic milking system where the milkers would automatically attach themselves to the cows. There was a general discussion about waste disposal including manure from farms and leachate from landfill sites. Dioxins and furons are amoung the most dangerous kinds of waste. The pilot program to collect organic waste in the Hunt Club Community is moderately successful.

Wendy said that Allan Asselstine will be a member of the Saw Mill Creek Study. The Study will update the environmental assessment and recommend the creation of a constructed wet land that will purify runoff from the South Keys Shopping mall and reduce the danger of flooding. Construction will be paid for from a special fund - Wendy was able to track down money that the old municipalities had collected for the treatment of waste water but had never spent - she enlisted the support of the province to make sure that the money be spent for its identified purpose.

Wendy said that it is difficult to find a way that would allow pedestrians and bicycles to cross the Airport Parkway, the Alta Vista Parkway was proceeding, the capacity of trucks to move goods is reaching a limit, trucks cause almost all of the damage to the roads, Canadian National Railways is expanding its marshalling yard at Walkley Road. Once Minto completes all construction on McCarthy Road, the Road will be finally resurfaced. Cash in lieu of parkland for the Minto Development is $205,000.

Peter Brimacombe said that the intersection of the Alta Vista Parkway and Highway 417 will cost $100 million and that it will provide only a partial answer to north-south traffic. The City should offset the negative impact of the Alta Vista Parkway on the Ottawa East Community by reducing the width of Main Street from four lanes to two.

Alan Asselstine reported that the Hunt Club Community Organization had received $360 from the Hunt Club Riverside Community Centre (HCRCC). This amount represents two years of cash in-lieu of membership. There are two separate organizations: the Hunt Club Community Organization which deals with the municipal government and the Hunt Club Riverside Community Centre which deals with the organization of the Community Centre itself: programs, staff and budget.

Next meeting: Mon 9 Sep 2002 at 7:30pm