Minutes of Meeting 6 January 2003


Motion: To restrict parking along Twyford where it meets McCarthy. Moved by Alan Asselstine, seconded by Dave Lamb, carried.

Motion: To construct a pathway linking the Hunt Club Community with the South Keys Shopping Mall, the pathway would pass under the Airport Parkway by a tunnel. This pathway should be done at the same time as the construction of the ponds that are part of the Sawmill Creek Wetlands. Moved by Alan Asselstine, seconded by Peter Brimacombe, carried.

Maria McRae: The Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee of the City of Ottawa approved $236,000 which is the original budget submitted by the HC/R Services Centre. In addition the Committee recommended an addition $12,000. The Annual General Meeting will take place on Feb 26 at General Vanier Public School. The Annual General Meeting would be a chance to celebrate the HC/R Services Centre. Maria is enthusiastic about serving the community.

Bhoo Agarwal discovered cracks in his basement wall after he noticed that his basement was flooded, he then hired a contractor to repair the cracks. He thinks that the cracks were caused by blasting carried out at the Minto Development across the road.

Gisèle is afraid that that cars have been parking on Twyford. She will write a letter regarding the possibility of have No Parking signs installed on either side of Twyford, up to the bend.

Next meeting: Mon 3 Feb 2003 at 7:30pm.