Minutes of Meeting 7 April 2003


Motion: to give $100.00 to the Victoria Day Committee headed by Lucy Corbin to provide for Victoria Day celebrations. Moved by Fred McLennan, seconded by Peter Brimacombe, carried.

Fred McLennan: The City of Ottawa Draft Official Plan 2003 shows that McCarthy Woods is zoned as Urban Natural Feature but the rest of the southern corridor is General Urban Area which allows it to be used for housing. There was an e-mail from the Greenspace Alliance which said that City staff refused to designate the southern corridor as Major Open Space which would prevent it from being used for housing.

Peter Brimacombe: The City of Ottawa needs 172,000 new homes in the next 20 years and needs to build on the southern corridor in order to reduce the high cost of services and prevent the loss of farmland.

After discussion, it was proposed to ask the City to the zone the southern corridor as an Urban Natural Feature.

Gisèle Loiselle-Branch sent a letter to the City asking for parking restrictions on Twyford Street. The City agreed and has promised to put up no-parking signs on the west side of Twyford.

Anti-fortification: Jeff Leiper sent a letter to Fred McLennan asking for support for a by-law that would forbid biker gangs from erecting fortifications around buildings in Ottawa. There was a consensus to support the by-law.

Tamarack Developments Corporation has submitted a site plan for a 10 story, 80 unit apartment building in the Landmarks of Hunt Club. Tamarack already has zoning approval.

Maria McRae: Wendy Stewart has been named as Honorary Councillor for Canoe for Kids. Maria and Wendy want to raise $500 to send under-privileged kids for a two week camp. Income Tax receipts will be given.

Next meeting: Mon 5 May 2003 at 7:30pm.