Minutes of Meeting 3 October 2005


Motion: That the Hunt Club Community Organization support a City wide ban on the cosmetic use of pesticides. Moved by Shelley Parlow. Carried.

The proposed Agenda was approved with one addition proposed by M. Costa: the coming pesticide discussion at City Hall.

The Minutes of the Sep.12, 2005 meeting were approved as written.

Pat Murphy, representing Councilor Maria McRae distributed a monthly report. It was read and discussed.

Shelley Parlow commented on the permanent graffiti on an utility box near Uplands Park and asked if it could be "adopted".

A discussion was held regarding the future Light Rail corridors, North-South and East-West. Issues such as station location, benefits, land development, rolling equipment, vehicle features, rights of way, routing, etc were addressed.

Manuel Costa briefly described the City's pesticide education campaign and its results; the City's report is expected soon and will be discussed by Council at the end of the month.

Next meeting: Mon 7 Nov 2005 at 7:30pm