Minutes of meeting 7 April 2008


Nichole Hoover: Presented the councillor's report.

Alan Asselstine: The In-Service Review of Hunt Club road from the Airport Parkway to Albion Rd. should take into account that Hunt Club at the Airport Parkway is very unfriendly to pedestrians and cyclists.
John Sankey: The fact that Hunt Club Road is not friendly to pedestrians and cyclists makes the Pedestrian Pathway to South Keys more important.

Alan Asselstine: It is very important to examine and comment on the latest transit plan to ensure it is well done because the last one done in 2003 wasn't.
John Sankey: The new Transit Study is very important. Taking a bus to Merivale produces more carbon dioxide than taking a car. A well-designed transit system would result in less carbon dioxide emissions.

Alan Asselstine: Is there anything new on Landsdown Park?
Nichole Hoover: Councillors Monette and McRae are interested. Studies are ongoing.

Motion: To accept the March minutes as amended. Moved by Alan Asselstine, seconded by Fred McLennan, carried.

John Sankey introduced the expansion of the Hunt Club/Riverside Community Centre.
Alan Asselstine: The Hunt Club Community Organization does take an active interest and notes that the expansion has been approved and money allocated. The outstanding issue is the governance which is directly related to the two service organizations: the Hunt Club Riverside Services Centre and the Hunt Club Riverside Recreation Association

John Sankey: There will be a strategy meeting next week on the Southern Corridor. John will be there.
Shelley Parlow: The Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) will hold mediation meetings with the City, the NCC and the Greenspace Alliance on April 24th and 25th at City Hall. She is looking for material that shows that the Community was opposed to development in the Southern Corridor.
Peter Brimacombe: Most people were opposed and the petitions and motions that were passed reflect that opinion. Even so, the long term increase in transportation costs is making further expansion of the suburbs impossible which makes more urgent the development of the Southern Corridor.
Gisèle Loiselle-Branch: As people get older they won't need their houses so overall the City won't need more houses.

John Sankey: The City has a by-law that provides a no-junk-mail sign that residents may post. The bylaw specifies that this sign will not apply to prevent the distribution of newspapers delivered to paid subscribers; community newspapers; material produced in the context of a campaign for elected office; or information circulars produced by governments or their agencies.
Motion: That the City use whenever possible distributors who respect the by-law and deliver the specified material to residences posting the sign. Moved by John Sankey, seconded by Alan Asselstine, carried.

Shelley Parlow: Last week a family lost a two-year-old in a fire. The family is moving into our community and we wish them well.
Everyone agreed.

Next meeting: Monday 5 May 2008 at 19:30