Minutes of Meeting 2 February 2009


Regrets: Peter, Kimberly & Martina with the flu, Alan is in South America.

Maria McRae distributed her report for February. She noted in addition that at the public meeting on the rezoning of 3930 Riverside Drive, all comments were in favour; the Riverside Gate condo corporation is also in favour. All improvements at the intersection of Riverside and Hunt Club are on hold pending the Taggart development. RFPs have been issued for the environmental assessment for the pathway to South Keys and are due 19 February, that process will take 12 months. Center expansion is proceeding on schedule, the associated public art envelope is $86k.

Motion: that the minutes be approved as distributed. Moved by Jerry Beausoleil, seconded by Liz Russell, carried.

The priorities of the HCCO for the coming year were discussed. Liz Russell will keep a watching brief on the Southern Corridor with the expectation it will be a priority for 2010.
Motion: that the major HCCO priorities for 2009 be the pathway to South Keys and traffic on Riverside Drive. Moved by Liz Russell, seconded by Jerry Beausoleil, carried
Motion: that the HCCO request Councillor McRae to continue her efforts to obtain improvements to the Hunt Club Riverside intersection. Moved by Jerry Beausoleil, seconded by Liz Russell, carried.

Motion: pursuant to requests made at the January meeting on behalf of that portion of the Hunt Club community west of Riverside Drive, the HCCO supports the request for rezoning as made by Taggart Realty. Moved by Jerry Beausoleil, seconded by Liz Russell, carried.

Next meeting: Monday 2 March 7:30 pm.