Minutes of Meeting 6 April 2009


Maria McRae: Presented her report to the Hunt Club Community Organization April 6, 2009. She presented a drawing of the expansion of the Community Centre and said that the expansion should be completed before the end of the year.
John Sankey, Jerry Beausoleil and Fred McLennan asked her if there was more detailed information available concerning the expansion.
Maria McRae: She has only the one drawing and does not want to part with it. She is confident that management of the expansion is in place and does not want to interfere.

Alan Asselstine: The Hunt Club Riverside Recreational Association in the past provided programs at a lower cost than City-run programs in other Centres because of lower overhead cost.
Maria McRae: She thinks that this no longer holds. There are two organizations which will be using the expanded Community Centre: the Hunt Club Riverside Services Centre and the Hunt Club Riverside Recreation Association. There should be a single board composed of members from both organizations to manage the new Centre. On the matter of the pathway over the Airport Parkway, a contractor will be chosen to conduct the Environmental Assessment. This process is almost completed. Once underway, the Environmental Assessment will have public advisory meetings.

Alan Asselstine: Does the contractor get extra points if he promises to do it faster? Alan would like to get the Environmental Assessment done as soon as possible. He is knowledgeable with the area and has worked on the Managed Wetlands project. He would be available to work with the contractor.
Maria McRae: There are two studies: The Airport Parkway Services Study and the Bronson Avenue Review.
Peter Brimacombe: Presented his map "Population West of the Proposed Pathway". The map is based on the 2006 Census data. The map shows that there are 15,054 people who cannot easily walk to the Greenboro or South Keys transit stations. Distribution Areas should be Dissemination Areas and there should be a scale bar.

Motion: To approve the March minutes. Moved by Fred McLennan, seconded by Liz Russell, carried.

Fred McLennan: Should we maintain our membership in The Federation of Community Associations (FCA)?
Alan Asselstine: There is no point in being a member unless you send a representative. It tends to be dominated by downtown groups.
Motion: Whereas we don't have an active participant, to discontinue our membership in the FCA. Moved by Alan Asselstine, seconded by Liz Russell, carried.

John Sankey: People who live in Quinterra are delayed on their way home because of traffic on Riverside Drive. If they are driving south they have to join the queue of cars waiting to turn west over the Hunt Club Bridge. The traffic lights at the Bridge should be reprogrammed to reduce these delays. People cleaned up their yards last weekend but the first leaf-and-yard-waste collection is not until April 23!
Alan Asselstine: On streets around Plante Drive, we have the organic waste project. If you are in the project you can put out your yard waste with the organic waste.

Liz Russell: She has been out cleaning up on McCarthy Road. The fence is down in two places, she cleaned off graffiti in 10 spots, the signal box at the train tracks has been tagged (with graffiti). She will register for the Spring cleanup with the City and do the full length of McCarthy Road on the first week of May.

Next meeting: Monday, May 4, 2009 at 19:30