Minutes of Meeting 7 June 2010


Motion: To approve the May minutes. Moved by Fred McLennan, seconded by Peter Foulger, carried.

Peter Brimacombe: May 15 was McCarthy Road clean-up day. Liz Russell, the Cameron Family and Peter Brimacombe each gathered up a big bag of garbage. We noticed that the roofing contractor had again thrown old shingles into the swamp just south of the railway tracks, west of the Road. The next week a City crew cleaned them up.

John Sankey: He noted a newspaper article that claims that other cities are recycling drywall whereas Ottawa is not. The City should find out how other cities manage it so they can organize it too. In Uplands Park there is a new sign that says "No Dogs within 5 meters of Play Area".

Nichole Hoover: Presented the Councillors Report. The Request for Proposal to build the Pedestrian Pathway to South Keys should be ready this month and the design should proceed this summer.

John Sankey: There are various proposals for the front lawn of Lansdowne Park. Some have a cost of $30 million even though only $5 million is budgeted. Light Rail and especially the tunnel under the downtown core must be the priority.
Alan Asselstine: The redesigned Lansdowne Park is supposed to reduce the City's ongoing operating cost associated with the Park.
Motion: Whereas the HCCO sees public transportation as a high priority especially the problems in the downtown core, the tunnel should have priority over the Lansdowne front lawn. The Lansdowne front lawn should cost no more than the budgeted $5 million. Moved by Alan Asselstine, seconded by Peter Brimacombe, carried.

Alan Asselstine: Are we interested in holding an all-candidates meeting for the October 25 municipal election? We would have to book the gym in the Community Centre, send out invitations to the candidates and check the audio system during the summer to be prepared.
There was a general discussion. It was felt that the meeting should be organized to allow only the candidates for mayor and councillor to speak and not the candidates for the school board. The candidates for the school boards would be allowed each to set up a table and put up a poster. The all-candidates meeting would be October 4, 2010.

Next meeting: Monday, September 13 at 19:30