Minutes of Meeting 7 February 2011


John Sankey: Asked that the agenda be approved. It was.

Motion: To approve the January 2011 minutes. Moved by Peter Foulger, Fred McLennan, carried.

John Sankey: The HCCO sent an e-mail to Councillor Marianne Wilkinson, Chair of the Transportation Committee expressing our concerns about restrictions to traffic on Bronson Avenue. She replied that work on Bronson has been postponed.

Councillor Maria McRae presented her report.

Peter Brimacombe: Two motions were made by e-mail and they should be confirmed now.

Motion: Whereas the proposed solar farm on city property will burden all electricity users for 20 years with up to ten times the current cost for the power generated, we request that our Councillor oppose the installation. Moved by Peter Foulger, seconded by Fred McLennan, carried.

Motion: That Issie Berish be appointed a board member until the next AGM. Moved by John Sankey, seconded by Peter Foulger, carried.

Maria McRae: You should update the HCCO by-laws to allow for motions via e-mail.

John Sankey: Following his presentation at Planning Committee, Jerry Beausoleil recommended that each of us build up a list of contacts with whom we could consult from time to time as issues warrant. It was agreed that John will collect a master list and that Peter Brimacombe will plot them on a map so we can verify coverage of our community.

Next meeting: Monday March 7, 2011 at 19:30