Minutes of Meeting 7 March 2011


John Sankey: Asked that the agenda be approved. It was.

Motion: To approve the February, 2011 minutes. Moved by Fred McLennan, seconded by Alan Asselstine, carried.

John Sankey: Presented a Map of the List of Contacts. Peter Brimacombe sent John a list of those who attended prior HCCO meetings. John added his own and contacted them all, then gave those who agreed to be contacted by the HCCO to Peter who made the map. There are 31 contacts so far.
Alan Asselstine: Are the email and street addresses confidential?
John Sankey: They are. Only the President and the Secretary have them. The people will only be contacted with the approval of the Board. The List should belong to the HCCO.
Alan Asselstine: There can be one contact list for the HCCO or each board member can have his own contacts. Alan is going to keep his own contact list and as issues come up he will contact his list and report to the Board.
Fred McLennan: Those are my thoughts too.
Issie Berish: It makes sense to have one list. In case of disagreements, the time and place to voice them is in person at our meetings . How are people supposed to learn about the HCCO?

John Sankey: We used to have to pay to put something on the notice board here at the Community Centre. He will check to see if this is still the case.

John Sankey: Jerry Beausoleil has the lead on Hunt Club Road. He recommends it be designated as a priority arterial. Concurrently there are arterials and restricted access roads.
Alan Asselstine: In the City Road Classification Framework of the City of Ottawa Transportation master plan, Arterial roads have a Primary Function to "Serve through travel between points not accessed directly from the road itself" and a Secondary Function to "Provide direct access to adjacent lands".
John Sankey: The City with the permission of the Province will connect the 417 with Hunt Club Road which of course will increase through traffic on Hunt Club Road. Along the whole of Hunt Club road the greatest congestion is in our neighbourhood.
Alan Asselstine: The Paramedic Station at Hunt Club and Bowesville emphasizes that Hunt Club Road provides an important corridor for through traffic. Also the new Trade Show Centre on Uplands will increase through traffic on Hunt Club Road.
Issie Berish: How will the completion of the Strandherd Bridge relieve the pressure on Hunt Club Road? The major traffic flow in the evening is south on Riverside, west across the Hunt Club Bridge and then south on Prince of Wales. This flow causes west-bound Hunt Club Road to back up. How are we going to move this issue forward?
John Sankey: My estimate is that 10% of the traffic now crossing the Rideau River at Hunt Club will move to Strandherd Bridge when it is completed. When Jerry Beausoleil returns he will meet with City staff.
Allan Asselstine: As the area south of Hunt Club Road from Uplands to Riverside is developed, the City and the Airport Authority should develop service roads parallel to Hunt Club so as to restrict/ not increase the number of intersections on Hunt Club road.

Alan Asselstine: The biggest point of contention in the City is Bronson Avenue. It is a truck route and it is the major north-south route but at the same time there is a movement to restrict the flow of traffic.

Issie Berish: Are there going to be closed-circuit cameras on the pedestrian bridge?
John Sankey: Who would monitor them?
Alan Asselstine: There won't be cameras but the bridge will be lit.

Next meeting: Monday April 4 at 19:30