Minutes of Meeting 2 January 2011


Motion: To approve the December 2011 minutes. Moved by Peter Foulger, seconded by Peter Brimacombe, carried.

Jerry Beausoleil: He approached Councillor McRae on the Hunt Club Road, Riverside Drive traffic issues. She agreed to a meeting but as yet there has not been a meeting.
John Sankey: The Riverside Park Community Association and the HCCO should work together on Hunt Club Road, Riverside Drive traffic issues.

Alan Asselstine: He and Peter Brimacombe drafted an e-mail and sent it to the City. It stated that the HCCO supports the proposal that Bronson Avenue remain a four lane road with extra lanes for left-hand turns. We have not heard back from the City. We should be ready to present our views in front of the Transportation Committee.

John Sankey: The Provincial and Federal Governments are offering a grant to build affordable housing. In Ottawa there are 10,000 families waiting for spots but at the same time there are many living in affordable housing whose income is more than the limit. In our community, affordable housing could be built at the Ashgrove site.
Motion: The HCCO supports the city proposal to build 200 additional affordable housing units. A letter be sent supporting the proposal and asking for a review of market rent policy. Moved by Jerry Beausoleil, seconded by Alan Asselstine, carried.

John Sankey: A home owner on Malhotra Crescent ( in Quinterra) is asking for a zoning variance so he can build an addition on his house.
Discussion: Since no one has complained, the Board decided not to pursue the zoning variance.

Next meeting: Monday, February 6 at 19:00