Minutes of Meeting 3 December 2012


John Sankey: Asked that the minutes be approved.

Motion: To approve the November minutes. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by Sylva Baroody, carried.

John Sankey: Two questions for Councillor Maria McRae are outstanding from prior meetings.
Nicole Espenant: Nichole Hoover, the Councillor's assistant is working on them.

Nicole Espenant: Presented the Councillor's report.
Gisèle Loiselle: She would like the notice for special collections of Hazardous Waste to appear in the Councillor's report.
Nicole Espenant: The next special collection will be in the spring and the notice will be in the Councillor's report. Waste Explorer is a web page the City produces. Take It Back is a program whereby retailers accept certain used products.
John Sankey: Foxy Recycle on Baseline accepts electronics and scrap metal:

Christine Johnson: John Sankey, Issie Berish and I have been working on our newsletter Hunt Club: My Community. We have 30 volunteers to distribute the newsletter. We have printing estimates from four companies. UPS on Hunt Club has the best rates: $610.20 for 3000 copies: 2 page, double sided, black and white. This cost should be offset with sponsorships from local businesses. Sponsorships are $75 per issue.

Motion: To allocate $610.20 towards the first issue of our newsletter Hunt Club: My Community. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by Sylva Baroody.
John Sankey: He asked questions about the number of sponsors we should expect and how many newsletters we would have each year.
Christine Johnson: We should have 4 issues a year. We have the volunteers to distribute it but need people to write articles. People with ideas can send her an email at editor_hcmc@bell.net
Vote on motion: carried

John Sankey: Our current bank is the Alterna Bank. The interest on our account covers the monthly fees. We want to enforce the rule that all withdrawals and cheques be signed by the President and the Treasurer but at the Alterna Bank you have to be a member to sign. The Scotia Bank at the Metro Plaza has personal accounts for seniors with no fees and no minimum balance so we want to change to it.

Motion: To move our bank account from the Alterna Bank to the Scotia Bank at the Metro Plaza. The account is be a joint account between the President and the Treasurer with both signatures required for all withdrawals. Moved by John Sankey, seconded by Christine Johnson, carried.

John Sankey: He has adopted Uplands Park He is organizing a skating rink at the Park. It will be maintained by volunteers. There won't be any lighting and it will be flooded from a neighbour's hose. He proposes that the volunteers be covered by the City's insurance policy. It costs $1 but there is a $500 deductible.

Motion: To apply to the City to provide a skating rink at Uplands Park. Cost of insurance will be $1 to register the skating rink. Volunteers will be covered by the City's insurance policy but the HCCO is liable for the $500 deductible in the event of a claim. Moved by Peter Brimacombe, seconded by Sylva Baroody, carried.

Aija Auzina: She is interested in ecological issues, she is looking for like-minded people. She went to the Ecology Ottawa Gala.

Peter Brimacombe: Suggested that membership be raised to $10. $3 is not even a token amount.
Fred McLennan: Resisted the increase. He thought $3 was just fine.
Others suggested raising the membership to $5. Discussion to be continued at future meetings as no decision was made.

Next meeting: Monday, January 7, 2013 at 19:00