Minutes of Meeting 7 January 2013


John Sankey: There are two outstanding questions for Councillor Maria McRae: what options do we have to restrict left-hand turns from the T&T parking lot onto Hunt Club Road; what are the present and historical traffic counts at the intersections of HC and Riverside and HC and Prince of Wales
Nichole Hoover: Nicole Espenant had these files but she is no longer working for Councillor Maria McRae. She (Nichole Hoover) will follow up.
Jerry Beausoleil: Has anybody looked at the traffic problem at the intersections? Are there any ways to improve it even slightly?

Christine Johnson: On January 10, the Federation of Citizens Association will have a meeting on transportation. The meeting will take place at the Overbrook Community Centre.

Nichole Hoover: Presented the Councillor's report.

Motion: To approve the December 2012 minutes. Moved by Sylva Baroody, seconded by Marilyn Koch, carried.

John Sankey: Last meeting we discussed membership fees. Are there further comments?
Peter Brimacombe: $10 is a minimal amount. Anything less is not worth collecting.
Fred McLennan: We have $9000. Why do we need more money?
Christine Johnson: At the next FCA meeting, she will ask the other community associations what are their membership fees.
Issie Berish: We approve the Treasurer's Report but we don't approve a budget. The budget should state what we are going to do with the money.

Christine Johnson: The first issue of Hunt Club My Community has now been printed and distributed. Issie Berish was in charge of distribution.
Issie Berish: 90% of the newsletters have been distributed. 3000 copies were printed. Weather and holidays made distribution more difficult.
Christine Johnson: People have been very positive. Every single person thought it was a good idea. We need to charge sponsors $100 instead of $75 in order to cover cost of production of future issues. We have already received two articles: one for Hackett Street and one for Plante Drive for our Spring issue. The next issue is due in April but in the future the issues should be March, June, September and December. She will canvas merchants in the T&T plaza.
John Sankey: A vote of thanks to Christine and Issie for their excellent work.

John Sankey: Thanks to Peter Foulger for his work in wrapping up the accounting. He has prepared a report that shows that the former Treasurer Alan Asselstine paid the items authorized at the November meeting and invested $8600 for a fixed term at the Alterna Bank. Except for the fixed term investment, the regular account at the Alterna Bank has been closed and a new account opened at the TD Canada Trust in the T&T plaza. Cheques and withdrawals must be signed by John Sankey and Peter Fouler.

John Sankey: The City has approved the puddle rink on Uplands Drive. Three volunteers are doing the preparation. A hose from a neighbour's backyard floods the rink. The City sent a foreman to approve the rink location. He thought that there was a buried hose which could be used next year. We cannot make the rink on the tennis courts this year because they were just resurfaced. There is an outdoor rink for every 3700 people on average throughout the city - until now we had only 2 sites (Owl and McCarthy parks) for our 13,000 residents.

Christine Johnson: There are two areas which would benefit from greater involvement in our larger Hunt Club community. Quinterra is within our official territory and Wisteria is outside it. Wisteria is in Diane Dean's ward. Christine will be informing her that we have invited them into our community association (organization).

Christine Johnson: The Federation of Citizens Association is an umbrella group that brings together representatives from community associations in Ottawa. It seeks to identify common issues and to be a conduit of thoughts. There should be two representatives from the HCCO so one person has to go only once every two months and to ensure continuity over time for our community.

Next meeting: Monday 4 February 2013 at 19:00