Minutes of Meeting 3 November 2014


John Sankey: He presented the agenda and asked for approval.

Motion: To approve the October 2014 minutes. Moved by Brent Scollie, seconded by Christine Johnson. Carried.

John Sankey: He welcomed Councillor-Elect Riley Brockington. He takes office December 1, 2014.

Councillor's Report
Maria McRae: Presented the Councillor's Report.

Brent Scollie: Should there be speed boards on Owl Drive? The safety flags in the middle of the road don't allow enough room to pass parked school buses and parked moving vans. Could the number of flags be reduced from four to two?
Maria McRae: Owl Drive is a school safety zone. Speed boards are not compatible with school safety zones. She will follow-up with traffic staff about safety concerns.

Christine Johnson: What kind of advice would you give in terms of influencing the Term of Council Priorities?
Maria McRae: She thanked Christine for her work as the editor of the newsletter Hunt Club My Community. There is a great deal that can be done because the Term of Council Priorities have not been set for the next budget.

Dan Kaplansky: Is there a set date for completion of the Airport Parkway Pedestrian Bridge and will it be plowed?
Maria McRae: The bridge will be completed by the end of December. The pathway will be plowed from the end of Cahill to the tunnel under the railway. This maintenance has been planned to allow access to the transit stations and the South Keys Mall.
May Douba: Wouldn't the bridge cause people to park on the west side?
Maria McRae: Possibly but the parking bylaws will continue in effect. Chances are anyone who parks for 8 or 9 hours would get a ticket. As a homeowner you are well within your rights to call bylaw enforcement.

May Douba: Is there anything we could do about the big signs on the big box stores?
Maria McRae: They are addressed as part of the Site Plan process. Community Design Plans may help address this issue for future development.

John Sankey: How much influence does Council have on the location of the Park and Ride lots?
Maria McRae: In the southern end of the City, the councillors from the southern wards have a huge influence.

Alan Asselstine: He thanked the Councillor for her energy and hard work.
Everyone applauded.

President's Report
John Sankey: We dealt with 4 major issues last year:

This year we have a new Councillor. We offer him our 100 percent support and seek to provide constructive and useful advice

Treasurer's Report
Peter Foulger: He presented the Treasurer's Report

Amendment to the Constitution
John Sankey: Over the years, actual practice has not followed the written constitution. He has proposed and distributed four minor changes to bring it into line with present practices.

Motion: that sections 4.1, 4.2, 22.2.2 and 25.1 be replaced respectively by:

Original: 4.1
The affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by a board consisting of an elected President and ten (10) other elected and four (4) non-elected directors. The non-elected directors will consist of the immediate past-president (if available) and representatives appointed by each of the three area schools. Each director at the time of his election or within 10 days thereafter and throughout his term of office shall be a member of the Corporation.

Proposed Amendment:
The affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by a board consisting of an elected President and up to ten (10) other elected directors and the immediate past-president (if available). Each director at the time of his election or within 10 days thereafter and throughout his term of office shall be a member of the Corporation.

Original: 4.2
Each elected director shall serve for a period of two years commencing on the date of the annual general meeting and terminating on the date of the annual general meeting two years later. Any director is eligible for election to the Board of Directors in subsequent years as long as he is a member in good standing. Five of the ten elected directors and all non-elected directors shall be retired at each annual meeting, but shall be eligible for re-election/re-appointment if otherwise qualified; the President will be retired every second annual meeting and shall be eligible for re-election if otherwise qualified.

Proposed Amendment:
Each elected director shall serve for a period of one year commencing on the date of the annual general meeting and terminating on the date of the subsequent annual general meeting. Any director is eligible for election to the Board of Directors in subsequent years as long as he is a member in good standing.

Original: 22.2.2
presentation of nominations of candidates for any vacant directors positions, 5 of the 10 directors to be elected, and, upon expiry, the position of President;

Proposed Amendment:
presentation of nominations of candidates for president and directors;

Original: 25.2
The presence of at least twenty (20) members in good standing shall be necessary to constitute a quorum at an annual general meeting and any other general meeting.

Proposed Amendment:
The presence of at least twenty (20) members in good standing, or of half the paid-up members, whichever is less, shall constitute a quorum at an annual general meeting and any other general meeting.

Motion: To accept the four amendments as distributed. Moved by Brent Scollie, seconded by Fred McLennan.

Christine Johnson: The written constitution calls for the appointment of two school representatives. Schools are an important part of our community so the representatives should be retained.

Vote: Carried
The amended constitution is available at hunt-club.ncf.ca/constitution.html

Selection of the Board of Directors
Fred McLennan: Five officers have agreed to stand:
President: John Sankey
Treasurer: Peter Foulger
Secretary: Peter Brimacombe
Vice President: Christine Johnson
Marilyn Koch
He asked for further nominations: Vanessa Sutton and May Douba were nominated. All were acclaimed.
Vanessa Sutton: Congratulations, men and women are now equally represented!

Next meeting: Monday December 1 at 19:00