Minutes of Meeting 7 December 2015


Motion: To approve the agenda. Moved by Sue McCarthy, seconded by Glenn MacCrimmon, carried.

Motion: To approve November 2015 minutes with noted corrections. Moved by Al Gullon, seconded by Sue McCarthy, carried.

Councillor's Report
Sarah Barber presented the Councillor's Report:
Traffic Calming: The Councillor has invited interested people to meet in January on traffic calming.
Paving the pathways in Owl Park: The paving is complete. One pathway is partly the City's and partly the Separate School Board's. The School Board doesn't want to spend money on its part so the City won't spend money on its part.
Dan Kaplansky: The City dug up its part and reseeded it but normal travel will beat it down.
Owl Park Play Structure: Three options were presented at a public meeting November 24. Option C was chosen and construction should start summer 2016.
Crosswalk at Owl and Pigeon: Next year there will be a crosswalk at Owl and Pigeon to improve the safety of people crossing to the schools and the park. The exact design has not yet been determined.
Christine Johnson: Maybe one of the schools could bring in a crossing guard.
Otto's BMW: Expansion is on the way. Proposed plans will be sent to the Directors.
Riverward Community Association: The Councillor will attend their monthly meeting in January.
Christmas Social: Tomorrow, Wednesday December 8 there will be a Christmas Social at the Carlton Heights Community Centre.

Positions on the Board of Directors
Christine Johnston presented three candidates and asked for other nominees. There were none so the following were acclaimed:
Peter Foulger Treasurer
Peter Brimacombe Secretary
Sue McCarthy Vice President

Federation of Community Associations
Christine Johnson: FCA stands for the Federation of Community Associations. She went to the meetings for a year. Is there anyone who would be interested in being a representative?

Internet presence
Christine Johnson: There are three parts to the HCCO internet presence: a website, a Facebook account and a Twitter account. She proposes that someone look after each part:
Facebook: Peter Foulger
Web Site: John Sankey
Twitter: Christine Johnson
Peter Brimacombe would keep the passwords in case the designated person was not available. She asked if there was agreement. There was.
Piero Narducci: How active are we? The youth are really into it.

Treasurer's Report
Peter Foulger: Presented the Treasurer's Report:
Sponsorships of $700 were received as follows: $200 (cash) from Mike's Garden Harvest for the June and September issues; $100 ea. from C.Kroeger, City of Ottawa (R.Brockington), Rimalou Drugs, Can Air World Travel and Sana Barhem for the December issue.
Memberships amounting to $160 were deposited.
Payments were as follows: $124.31 to the Canterbury Community Association for our share of the debate costs, $90 to reimburse C. Johnson for gift cards, $200 to the SE Ottawa Community Health Centre for Festival costs and $612.46 to reimburse C. Johnson for the printing of the newsletter.
The summary for November:
Year to date receipts $ 2,422.82
Year to date expenses $ 2,076.20
Increase/(decrease) for year $ 346.62
Members' surplus $ 9,173.64
Cash not deposited $ 200.00
Alterna share $ 15.00
Alterna Account $ 2,918.20
Alterna Term Deposit 14 Jan 2016 $ 6,040.44
Receivables & Liabilities:
We are owed $100 for the September issue

Refugee Family
Christine Johnson: She attended a meeting of 10 people from Hunt Club who are interested in sponsoring a family from Syria. She and Sue McCarthy went to Refugee 613 which is an orientation course for groups interested in sponsoring a family. She is organizing another meeting but needs $6.75 for a room in the Community Centre. Does anyone object? No one did.

Sue McCarthy: The December issue has been delivered. Next issue is March. Other community associations are using their web sites to publish their newsletters. It saves the printing costs. We should look at the on-line format.
Al Gullon: The piece of paper brings it to people's attention.
Christine Johnson: The on-line format would appeal to the younger set. Some may still want the hard copy.
Wynnie Zhao: What is the software that you use to publish the web site?
John Sankey: A text editor.
Wynnie Zhao: What about an Instagram account to put pictures?
Piero Nurducci: That certainly would be valuable.

Environmental Committee
Christine Johnson: She would like to recommend Brian Wade as Chair of the Environmental Committee. Any comments? Brian Wade is acclaimed.

Paul Landry Park
Christine Johnson: She and John Sankey attended a meeting with three City staff. Option 1 would cost $160,000. She would like to have a visible improvement by 2017.
John Sankey: We should get on with this to do the tree planting in the spring.

Community Garden
Brian Wade: He is one of a small group who is seriously interested in a community garden. They need to come up with a plan for spring planting.
Mike Milsom: It's wise to get a jump on planting. He wants to help and can supply seedlings. He sees a lot going on in Western Ontario.

Musical expression for youth
Piero Narducci: As part of the Ottawa 2017 Celebrations he is looking for a way to allow youth to express themselves musically. He is thinking of a contest between youth from Hunt Club and a town in Quebec with judges from the Juno Awards.
John Sankey: His son Michael was involved in such a project.
Sue McCarthy: Blues Fest has a program like this: Giles Hootnany and the May Day Song Contest.
Christine Johnson: As part of Ottawa 2017 Celebrations we could have a party on the bridge ( the pedestrian bridge over the Airport Parkway ).
Sue McCarthy: There could be Performance Nights at the Community Centre where youth are invited to perform. She is looking for a date in January. She needs a room (which costs $6.75 an hour) and an audio setup.

Hunt Club Trivia
Christine Johnson passed out a sheet on Hunt Club trivia, much of which she gleaned from John Sankey's web site: http://johnsankey.ca/hchistory.html

Next meeting: Monday January 11 at 19:00