Minutes of Meeting 8 March 2016


Motion: To approve the agenda. Moved by Denyse Baizana, seconded by Ijeoma Udechukwu, carried.

Motion: To approve the February 2016 minutes. Moved by Brian Wade, seconded by Peter Brimacombe, carried.

Councillor's Report
Andrea Ward: Presented the Councillor's Report
March 10 there will be an open house to consider the Airport Parkway Widening
Peter Brimacombe: He is in favour of the off-ramp at Walkley
Denyse Baizana: There is a spot on Hunt Club just under the Airport Parkway which is very awkward for people in wheel chairs.
Ottawa Flying Club: Some people have complained about the noise from small planes.
Peter Brimacombe: They don't bother me.
O Train: The goal was to have 8 minute intervals between trains but it has not been met. However the O Train is 98% reliable and ridership is up.
Sue McCarthy: She really likes it.
Dave Armitage: The O Train is basically a single track system with double tracks at the stations. There are inherent problems with a single track system. A separate train is proposed to go to the airport but this isn't going to work with the single track system.
Pet Shops: Some people think that Pet Shops should sell only abandoned animals.
Taxi Bylaw: There is on-going controversy over the taxi bylaw especially as it relates to Uber. Councillor Brockington will be at a meeting March 30.
Family Movie Night April 2: Councillor Brockington is hosting a family movie night at the Community Centre, April 2. Journey 2 will be shown.
Earth Day: Earth Day is April 23. Electronic waste will be accepted and there will be a tour of McCarthy Woods.
Toll Roads: Councillor Brockington is not in favour of tolls on City roads.
Al Gullon: As a descendent of Scottish immigrants he refuses to pay tolls. He does promote "shared space":

President's Report
Christine Johnson: John Sankey was admitted to the hospital again but is out now. We wish him the best.
On Wednesday February 3 the Committee of Adjustment met to consider Otto's BMW lease of additional land on Hunt Club Road. The Committee dealt with the definition of retirement homes. They could include retail food stores only if they were farmers' markets.
She wrote a letter to Councillor Brockington concerning the safety review of the McCarthy Road curve which was discussed at the February meeting. She wrote another letter to Just Food supporting our Community Garden application.
She proposes a membership drive every May and June.

Treasurer's Report
Peter Foulger: Presented the treasurer's report:
Sponsorships of $100 were received from C.Kroeger, Rimalou Drugs & the City of Ottawa (for R.Brockington).
No memberships were received.
No payments were made.
Alterna paid $0.75 interest on 29 Feb.
Sub-Account receipts:
No monies were received for the sub-accounts in February.
Syrian Refugee Fund balance $ 0.00
Garden Fund balance $ 0.00
Balance as of 1 August 2015 $ 8,827.02
Year to date receipts, HCCO $ 3,038.49
Year to date expenses, HCCO $ 2,085.20
Increase/(decrease) for year, HCCO $ 953.29
Members' surplus, HCCO $ 9,780.31
Cash not deposited $ 0.00
Alterna share , HCCO $ 15.00
Alterna Account, HCCO $ 9,765.31
Alterna Term Deposit HCCO $ 0.00
Syrian Refugee Fund $ 0.00
Garden Fund $ 0.00
Total all funds $ 9,780.31
Receivables & Liabilities:
We will have an invoice for the March newsletter of approximately $620.
We are owed two sponsorships for the March newsletter as four have been paid so far.
As monies are to be collected for the Garden Fund and Syrian Refugee Fund, separate entries will be made in the balance sheet to account for these

Motion: To reimburse two people for authorized expenses:
Sue McCarthy for a room for Performers' Night, vendor City of Ottawa 13.80
for a newsletter supplement, vendor Staples 44.07
Christine Johnson flowers for John Sankey, vendor Alta Vista Flowers 54.13
printing cost of newsletter, vendor UPS store 612.46

Moved by Al Gullon, seconded by Denyse Baizana, carried.

HCCO Name Change
Christine Johnson: The Hunt Club Community Organization (HCCO) is the only community association in Ottawa not called an association. We should change our name to accurately describe who we are.
Fred McLennan: We have to look carefully at the cost. The HCCO is a legally incorporated entity so the articles of incorporation would have to be changed.
Peter Foulger: A name change would have to be carefully considered: We have a bank account with our existing name. Our name is on the cheques and our name is registered with the City of Ottawa as a party to whom it can issue cheques. We should look into hiring a lawyer: what do we need and what would it cost.
Peter Brimacombe: The existing name does not tell who we are. It should be changed.
Brian Wade: We should get a lawyer to review the constitution.
There was general agreement that Christine Johnson should follow up.

Syrian Refugee Families
Sue McCarthy: Instead of sponsoring a single refugee family from Syria, the group will raise funds for all refugee families from Syria. There are a number of activities planned to raise money: a Food Fest at the Community Centre March 19 between 12:00 and 16:00; Christine Johnson's singing group Shout Sister will hold a concert April 23; Linda Pedley will do yoga classes and T&T on Hunt Club Road will host a cooking class. People can drop off clothing and household items at the Community Centre.

Performers' Night
Sue McCarthy: We had the first performers' night February 22. We look to do it again on Monday March 21.
Christine Johnson: She was there. It has the potential of being a huge added value to our community.

Canada's Bicentennial
Christine Johnson: The NCC is preparing a plan for Canada's Bicentennial in 2067 and invites people to share their vision:

Sue McCarthy: The March Issue is ready.
Christine Johnson: There are 39 volunteers to deliver the newsletter. If we had 50 we could cover the whole community.

Women's Wellness Course
Ijeoma Udechukwu: The South East Ottawa Community Health Centre is giving a wellness course for women. There are four session, one session a week.

Volunteer Certificates
David McGuinty: The Government is finalizing the budget. It will finance infrastructure as identified by municipalities. Community engagement is absolutely important. Volunteering is the hallmark of civilization. He presented two individuals with a certificate recognizing their contribution to the Hunt Club Community Organization:
Sue McCarthy and Peter Brimacombe
Sue McCarthy: She worked in the Federal Public Service. How will the new Government be different than the old?
David McGuinty: There will be no more omnibus bills, legislation will be put forward on an all-party basis and there will be more transparency in spending.

Social Media Team
Piero Narducci: He prepared a sheet describing the purpose, objectives and principles of the social media team. The team consists of Brian Wade, Wynnie Zhao, Sue McCarthy, Alexus Doyle and Piero Narducci.

Community Garden
Brian Wade: There is a group of interested people including some from our neighbouring community Riverside Park. They have had two meetings and have completed an application for funding to Just Food. They have approached Tree Canada for advice on edible bushes. They have chosen Cahill Park as the site for the community garden. It will be called "Our Backyard Community Garden". The water source will cost $30,000.

Paul Landry Park
Christine Johnson: She filled out an application for funding from the City for Capital Projects. She will also be partnering with the South East Ottawa Community Health Centre to apply for funding with the City's 'Paint It Up!' program to have young people paint a mural on the fences at the North and South East ends of Paul Landry Park. There will be a clean up of the park on Saturday May 7, at 10:00 a.m.

Next meeting: Monday April 4 at 19:00