Minutes of Meeting 9 January 2017


Christine Johnson: She passed around John Sankey's photo album of the original Plante dairy farm on Dazé Street.

Motion: To approve the agenda. Moved by Peter Foulger, seconded by Marilyn Koch, carried.

Motion: To approve the December, 2016 minutes. Moved by John Sankey, seconded by Brian Wade, carried.

Christine Johnson: She made two Christmas Basket deliveries to the family on Heatherington, on behalf of various Hunt Club community members. She hosted the reception for the newsletter volunteers on December 5. The number of volunteers to deliver the newsletter is just one short of 60!

Riley Brockington: He suggested that in addition to the awards that the City of Ottawa presents to volunteers, that local community associations consider working with him to recognize the efforts of long-standing volunteers in the community.

Treasurer's Report
Peter Foulger presented the Treasurer's Report:
Sponsorship of $100 was received from the Government of Canada (McGuinty). Other receipts were $40 for the Art Club from Dianne Nahal and interest of $0.18 from Alterna.
Payments of $492.08 for the volunteer reception and $18.00 for the room rental were made to C.Johnson.
Art Club receipts $ 40.00
Hunt Club Refugee Fund balance $ 36.75
Garden Fund balance $ 0.00
Art Club Fund balance $ 88.00
Balance Sub-accounts $ 124.75
Members' Surplus
Balance as of 1 August 2016 $ 9,172.74
Year to date expenses, HCCO $ 2,577.48
Year to date receipts, HCCO $ 1,570.72
Increase/(decrease) for year, HCCO -$ 1,006.76
Members' surplus, HCCO $ 8,165.98
Total funds (Members' surplus + funds) $ 8,290.73
Cash not deposited $ 0.00
Alterna share , HCCO $ 15.00
Alterna Account, HCCO & funds $ 2,275.73
Alterna Term Deposit HCCO $ 6,000.00
Total all funds $ 8,290.73
Receivables & Liabilities:
We are owed three sponsorships for December

Councillor's Report
Riley Brockington: Presented the Councillor's Report:

Ashgrove, Ottawa Community Housing: Last meeting there were a number of questions. Here is a summary of the questions and the answers provided by Ottawa Community Housing:

There will be an open house on Wednesday, February 8 at the Community Centre from 19:00 to 20:30.

Paul Landry Park: He hosted an open house at the Community Centre on December 14. HCCO volunteers delivered flyers to 900 households. The latest open house was simply another event where the community was consulted - there has been constant and extensive engagement. At the open house there were 75 residents, mostly children. They were asked to rank three different play structures. There was an overwhelming preference for option three. Shannon Hall presented drawings of the three options.
Riley Brockington: Can the HCCO give its approval on option three?

Motion: That the HCCO endorse option 3 as presented. Moved by John Sankey, seconded by Brian Wade, carried.

Naming the Airport Parkway Bridge: He proposes a process to select a name:

Motion: That the HCCO endorse the process as presented to name the bridge. Moved by John Sankey, seconded by Peter Brimacombe, carried.

New downtown library: The Ottawa Public Library is proposing to build a joint facility with Library and Archives Canada at 557 Wellington Street at Bronson and Albert Streets. This will replace the main library on Metcalfe Street. Some of the downtown community associations are opposed.
Peter Brimacombe: Why would they complain?
Dan Kaplansky: The new library is 1.5 kilometers from the old and it's on the light transit line. What's to complain about?
John Sankey: The Library gets rid of books that no longer circulate. Sometimes it sells old books for 25c. There should be an archival storage like the one at the University of Ottawa Library - the last copy should be put in archival storage.
Peter Brimacombe: He worked for 30 years at Agriculture Canada where he worked on the Canadian Soil Information System: The site has been under constant threat of closure because it doesn't conform to the common-look-and-feel regulations. All across the Federal Government information is lost because of the regulations. The Ottawa Public Library should take over the Federal Government sites like the Canadian Soil Information System in order to preserve them.

Christine Johnson: We are looking at an electronic version of the newsletter: Hunt Club My Community.
John Sankey: The presentation is very nice. We print 3000 copies and sell sponsorships. It's self supporting but we deliver to only half of the households in our community. The newsletter has always been available on our web site. He has set up a list server on the site where people can request to be notified when each issue is posted. Hopefully we can reach the other half of the households.
Riley Brockington: The newsletter is very positive and other community associations are very impressed.
Sue McCarthy: There is still space for articles for the March issue.

Brian Wade: Three memberships were sold in December.

Brian Wade: We have applied to Just Foods for a grant to start a community garden in Cahill Park. Just Foods is very supportive and we hope to have the garden this year. There will be a fund raiser at Movie Night February 25 and at Earth Day April 22. Both events take place at the Community Centre.
Motion: That the HCCO make a substantial contribution to the Community Garden. Moved by John Sankey, seconded by Christine Johnson, carried.

Community Centre Mural
Christine Johnson: A local artist will lead teenagers in drawing a mural on the Community Centre. The artist is Claudia Salguero and the theme is "harmony in cultures".

150th Anniversary of Canada
Christine Johnson: To celebrate the 150th anniversary of Canada, there is a Birthday Bash May 13 at the Community Centre. There will be live painting, stilt walkers, home cooked food. We are building a 30x30 foot stage.
Riley Brockington: To mark the end of 2017, on December 29 there will be a fireworks gala at McCarthy Park.

March meeting
Christine Johnson: Could we move the March 6 meeting to March 13?
Everyone was in agreement
Christine Johnson: The February meeting will be February 6 as scheduled and the March meeting will be March 13.

Next meeting: February 6 at 19:00