Minutes of Meeting 6 February 2017


Motion: To approve the agenda. Moved by Al Gullon, seconded by Marilyn Koch, carried.

Motion: To approve the January, 2017 minutes. Moved by Dan Kaplansky, seconded by Dianne Nahal, carried.

Treasurer's Report
Christine Johnson: Peter Foulger, the Treasurer is away on vacation. The financial position remains the same.

Community Centre Murals

Motion: Whereas Riverside Park artist Claudia Salguero received a grant from the Neighbourhood Arts 150 Project to paint two murals on the outside of the Community Centre. Whereas the HCCO, Riverside Park Community and Recreation Association, Councillor Brockington and the management of the Community Centre all support this initiative. Whereas the City has added a further $3000 to the project but the money is still insufficient. Whereas the Riverside Park Community and Recreation Association has added $800 to the project. Be it resolved the HCCO also contribute $800 to the project. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by Ijeoma Udechukwu, carried.

Harmony in Cultures Community Festival

Motion: Requesting financial support for the May 13 Harmony in Cultures community festival. This festival is part of the activities celebrating the 150th year of the founding of Canada. Whereas partial funds have been received from the City but $4000 is still needed. Whereas we are actively seeking support from local businesses. Whereas we will be asking for financial support from the Riverside Park Community and Recreation Association. Be it resolved that the HCCO make a contribution of up to $1000 on an as needed basis. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by Andrea Main, carried.

Councillor's Report
Riley Brockington: Presented the Councillor's Report:

Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club to Host LPGA Event The Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club will host the 2017 Canadian Pacific Women's Open under the Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA). It will run from August 21 to 27, 2017 and will be the Hunt Club's third time hosting the event. Parking has been arranged at the former CFB Uplands Base.

Paul Landry Park: After the last HCCO meeting, he met with the Park Planner to review the playground. A tender is being drafted and will be released shortly but it will not likely be completed before early fall.
Christine Johnson: Last meeting the HCCO was given a choice of three play structures. Option 3 was chosen but it would require the big rocks and the small sand pit to be removed. Further the play structure would block the path to the Metro Plaza.
Dianne Nahal: If the play structure was moved to the north, to the end of the park nearest the Gilboa townhouses, then it wouldn't block the path and the big rocks and sand pit could stay where they are.
Riley Brockington: He would look into the matter.

Riley Brockington: Airport Parkway Bridge Naming: Support remains strong to name the bridge, however the Clerk's Office at City Hall has suggested that the naming wait until legal matters regarding the construction challenges are addressed.

River Ward Movie Night: The second winter movie night of 2017 will be held on Saturday February 25 at 6 pm in the Community Centre. Admission is free.

Earth Day: He will once again host an Earth Day event on Saturday April 22 from 2 to 4 pm in the Community Centre.

Bernie Geiger: The new bus route along Baseline is going to cost $180 million! This is very expensive and will interfere with regular traffic. Right now students at Carleton University take the bus along Baseline but they will have to walk further because the bus stops will be moved further away!
Riley Brockington: The Baseline Road Rapid Transit Corridor is identified in the City's Transportation Master Plan: It is located where people live and where there is a strong commercial base. There are fewer stops because it is an express route. There will be two lanes in each direction for regular traffic plus one lane for buses. The bus lanes will be in the median. Compared to LRT, it's a bargain.
Dan Kaplansky: It makes sense: buses should have priority.
Peter Brimacombe: The transit route is important and Ottawa is fortunate to have the space to put it.

Riley Brockington: Public Open House Reminder - Ashgrove Development The Ottawa Community Housing Corporation (OCH) is proposing the construction of an additional 16 units to its existing property at 3225 Uplands Drive (Ashgrove). OCH representatives presented the project at the November 2016 meeting and it was discussed at the December 2016 and January 2017 meetings. He will be hosting an Open House and Public Meeting with OCH representatives on Wednesday, February 8 from 7 to 8:30 pm in the Senior's Room at the Community Centre.
David Armitage: There are 44 mature oak and maple trees on the site of the proposed Ottawa Community Housing project. There are already a lot of Ottawa Community Housing projects in our neighbourhood -more than our share. Why not put them in areas where there is new development? The site is presently used as a snow dump but it won't be available and there will be long term costs to haul the snow elsewhere.
Christine Johnson: Marion Dewar, the former Mayor put forth the principle that communities have a mix of social housing and that they be evenly spread throughout the City.
Riley Brockington: Ottawa Community Housing needs to look after the garbage problem with the existing units.
Ijeoma Udechukwu: She has spoken with women in the area who are opposed to more Ottawa Community Housing projects.

Brian Wade: HCCO members get a 20% discount on City programs offered at the Community Centre.

South East Ottawa Community Health Centre
Ijeoma Udechukwu: Kellie Tonner has been appointed Executive Director.

Better Beginnings Better Futures is a community-based program that provides support and services for parents and caregivers with children 0 to 5 years of age and pregnant women living in the Heatherington/Albion/Ledbury/Fairlea neighbourhoods of South-East Ottawa. The Province is cutting funding and the program is holding a fund-raising dinner.

Next Meeting: Monday March 13 at 19:00