Minutes of Meeting 1 May 2017


Christine Johnson: Presented the agenda and asked for approval.

Motion: To approve the April, 2017 minutes. Moved by Ijeoma Udechukwu, seconded by Dianne Nahal, carried.

Treasurer's Report
Peter Foulger: Presented the Treasurer's Report:
Receipts were $100 sponsorship for D McGuinty ad, interest of $42 from the Alterna GIC that matured 8 April and $0.12 account interest for April from Alterna.
Receipts were $500 from CP Desjardins to sponsor the Harmony in Cultures event, $305 from the City of Ottawa for the mural project, $103 for the Art Club and $1,022.94 tax refund for the Refugee Fund.
Payments of $250 ea. to M. Arisan and to Gen Vanier Public School were made for the Hydro Essay Contest awards and $500 was paid to the City of Ottawa to sponsor the Dec 29th. Fireworks Gala.
Hunt Club Refugee Fund $ 1,059.69
Garden Fund $ 1,500.00
Hydro Ottawa Essay Contest $ 0.00
Dec 29 Fireworks Fund $ 0.00
Mural Fund $ 1,105.00
Harmony in Cultures Fund $ 500.00
Art Club Fund $ 101.30
Balance Sub-accounts $ 4,265.99
Members' Surplus
Balance as of 1 August 2016 $ 9,172.74
Year to date expenses, HCCO $ 7,231.36
Year to date receipts, HCCO $ 2,397.33
Increase/(decrease) for year, HCCO ($4,834.03)
Members' surplus, HCCO $ 4,338.71
Total funds (Members surplus + funds) $ 8,604.70
Cash not deposited $ 0.00
Alterna share, HCCO $ 15.00
Alterna Account, HCCO & funds $ 8,589.70
Alterna Term Deposit HCCO, $ 0.00
Total all funds $ 8,604.70
Receivables & Liabilities:
We are owed one sponsorship for Sept.
We are still owed $300 for 300 extra copies and half the cost of the insert

Councillor's Report
Riley Brockington: Presented the Councillor's Report:
New development on Hunt Club: Claridge Homes is proposing to put a retirement home and a hotel on the Roofmaster property on Hunt Club Road.
Al Gullon: Is there going to be a left turn lane?
Riley Brockington: That is to be decided. He would be involved with all steps in the planning process.
Peter Brimacombe: We were aware that the property would be developed. Because the existing property has driveways that connect to Hunt Club Road there is no way to prevent them from being used for the new development. Traffic turning off and onto Hunt Club Road will interfere with through traffic.
Riley Brockington: Paul Landry Park: He presented drawings of the play structure. There will be a sod-turning ceremony on June 30, with the HCCO and special guest Paul Landry who is coming from British Columbia.
Marilyn Koch: Is there any chance for picnic tables?
Riley Brockington: Yes
Christine Johnson: Thank you Riley for your work. The new play structure is going to have a positive impact on the community.
John Sankey: The new play structure is a zip line. Make sure that the City has spare parts to allow it to be repaired.

Motion: To reimburse Dianne Nahal $16.09 for materials she used to make three do-not-litter signs in Paul Landry Park. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by John Sankey, carried.
Riley Brockington: He thanked Dianne Nahal for the two pieces of art she gave him for his office.
Governor General Sovereign's Medal: Two people from the Hunt Club Community have won the Sovereign's Medal: Trina Constantini-Powell and John Sankey.
Shannon Hall: She has been his assistant. She is leaving so he needs a new assistant.
Enbridge Gas work at Paul Anka and Hunt Club: Enbridge Gas is connecting two major lines under the road at Paul Anka and Hunt Club. The work has to be done at night because of the heavy traffic on Hunt Club. He asked Enbridge to do the work in one week with an extra week in case of problems. The work will start May 15.
Tree and Bench for the late Kenny Dagenais: He did a walkabout with the family of the late Kenny Dagenais who was killed while crossing the Airport Parkway. He identified a site beside the Parkway for a bench and a tree in his memory.
Bookmobile: He is working with the Ottawa Public Library who would like to move its bookmobile stop to the Community Centre.
Safer School Zones Act: He testified before the Standing Committee on General Government at Queen's Park in support of Bill 65 Safer School Zones Act which allows municipalities to use speed enforcement technology and to reduce the default speed limit in residential communities.
Strawberry Social June 2: He will host the annual River Ward Strawberry Social on Friday June 2 from 13:00 to 15:00 in the Community Centre.
Fathers' Day Baseball Game: He has 100 tickets to the baseball game between the Ottawa Champions and the Cuban National Team at the Ottawa Baseball Stadium, June 18.
David Armitage: Ottawa Community Housing has proposed a 16-unit development at 3225 Uplands Drive (Ashgrove). This development has been discussed many times. Should we continue to follow this development?
Riley Brockington: The site plan is not finalized.
Barb Shea: She lives on Hunt Club Road across from Roofmaster. She is concerned by the noise and pollution from the traffic. There are 84,000 cars a day. Specific issues she would like to see addressed:
Traffic density/flow: What was the forecast level of traffic for Hunt Club with the 417 extension and how does that compare to its actual use? This question is asked to understand if there was planning/anticipation for the actual level of noise, pollution, traffic flow. What is the longer term plan for traffic on Hunt Club-will it only get worse? Traffic flow-semi-trailers and commercial truck traffic is extensive-what are estimates/plans for the future - ideally to reduce heavy traffic?
Speeding is an issue on Hunt Club-we live next to Hunt Club/airport parkway - recommend at least enforcement of posted speeds, including when 80 goes to 60 and speed camera - particularly at Hunt Club/Airport Parkway intersection
Noise there was a noise study done close to 10 years ago before the extension. Would like to have another study conducted. Traffic noise is pretty much 24/7.
Noise-retarder brakes - enforce the ban.
Safety: Environmental safety-for those backing directly onto Hunt Club. The CBC reported on a study of air quality near busy roads. She would like the city to measure air quality within stated distance in study. What is the city's responsibility for air quality as well as what concerned residents can do?
Al Gullon: He is an expert in noise and pollution from road traffic. He doesn't see a link between emissions and disease but the link may be simply noise.
John Sankey: When vehicles used leaded gas there was a link.
Riley Brockington: He will forward the issues to city staff and ask them for a response for the June meeting.
Christine Johnson: What is the impact of traffic vibrations on foundations?
John Sankey: He borrowed seismic equipment to measure the vibration of articulated buses on Uplands. The buses shook his house as much as a 5.3 earthquake.
Peter Brimacombe: There are arterial, collector and local roads. The classification allows collector and local roads to be protected from traffic. In our case Hunt Club is an arterial road whereas Uplands and McCarthy are collector roads which allows them to be protected.
David Armitage: What activity is taking place on Hunt Club Road between Bowesville and Riverside?
Riley Brockington: There is a bike lane on the north side of Hunt Club but it stops at Bowesville. The bike lane is being extended to Riverside.

Community Centre Mural
Christine Johnson: Claudia Salguero is painting a mural on the Community Centre. She will be leading two brainstorming sessions Friday May 5 and Friday May 12 from 8:00 to 9:30 at the Community Centre. The youth sessions are booked from July 4 to August 10, 13:00 to 15:30.

Paint it Up Mural
Christine Johnson: The HCCO and the South East Ottawa Community Health Centre have applied for a grant to paint the fence in Paul Landry Park. Claudia Salguero will lead this project too.

Lecture on Islam
Christine Johnson: The Ottawa Mosque is sponsoring a talk by Dr. Hewer on Islam on Saturday May 6, 14:00- 17:30 in the auditorium of Ridgemont High School. Phone Joseph Merhi, President Imam Ali Jasjid of Ottawa 613 255-4040

Peter Brimacombe: The HCCO is eligible for insurance. Sue McCarthy sent him the contact (Michael Gilmour) and the form to submit. Michael Gilmour replied with a quote: $250 for $1 million, $300 for $2 million.
Christine Johnson: I thought we could be covered for free under the City's coverage?
Peter Brimacombe: He will check with Sue McCarthy.

2017 Ottawa
Christine Johnson: There will a community festival "Harmony in Cultures" May 13 at the Community Centre. It is hosted by the South East Ottawa Community Health Centre and by the HCCO. We need volunteers to host the tables.
Al Gullon: Sir John A. MacDonald said we owe a debt to George-Étienne Cartier for his contribution to our country:

Christine Johnson: The next issue is June.

Brian Wade: On Earth Day he sold two new memberships and tonight he sold one more. We have 38 members all told.

Brian Wade: He and Sue McCarthy hosted a table at the Earth Day event. Andrea Martin set up crafts for kids and Alexis Doyle gave out flyers on plant exchange.
David Armitage: He and other volunteers cleaned up the NCC land behind the Ashgrove Community Housing Project. They filled 35 bags of garbage including masses of diapers! They also found and disposed of drug paraphernalia. Garbage is an ongoing problem at this site!
He also picked up the garbage around Hunt Club Creek near the gated entrance to the Golf Course. The manager of the Tudor Inn was kind enough to throw the garbage in his dumpster. There is an ever increasing amount of garbage and it's too much for volunteers!
Christine Johnson: There has to be paid help to clean up the garbage.

Motion: That the President write a letter to Ottawa Community Housing strongly objecting to the garbage around Ashgrove, with a copy to the NCC. The letter would also point out the need to come up with a system to dispose of the garbage. Moved by John Sankey, seconded by Marilyn Koch, carried.

Sanctuary Cities
Ijeoma Udechukwu: Ottawa should be a sanctuary city where people without documentation can receive medical care.
John Sankey: Right now people without documentation are given temporary immigration status.

Next meeting: Monday June 5 at 17:00