Minutes of Meeting 11 September 2017


Motion: To approve the agenda. Moved by Denyse Baizana, seconded by Sue McCarthy, carried.

Motion: To approve the June, 2017 minutes. Moved by Peter Foulger, seconded by Brian Wade, carried.

Bicycle Path along Hunt Club Road
Zlatko Krstulic and Amir Zahabi work for the City of Ottawa's Transportation Department. They presented the plans for adding a cycling link along Hunt Club Road between Riverside Drive and Paul Benoit Driveway:
The north side against the Hunt Club Golf Course is fairly easy to design but the south side is harder because of cars turning across the bicycle path. The idea is that the bicycle path will be curved so that the cars will be crossing as close as possible to 90°
Riley Brockington: This is a preliminary design. How close are you to the actual completion?
Zlatko Krstulic: The design will be done by the spring 2018. Then it depends on funding.
Christine Johnson: The link has an on-line survey where you can give your suggestions.

Councillor's Report
Riley Brockington: Presented the Councillor's Report

Christine Johnson: Three trees of note have been planted in Paul Landry Park: a hackberry, a yellow birch and an elderberry. In 2014, Paul Koch collected seeds from a dying 125 year old yellow birch at the Hunt Club Golf Course. Agriculture Canada grew the seedlings at the Central Experimental Farm and one is now planted in Paul Landry Park courtesy of the Hunt Club Golf Course. Saturday October 14 is clean-up day at the Park.

Claudia Salguero has lead the creation of the mural and it is complete but there were extra costs and engineering reviews to mount it on the Community Centre. The Councillor has been very supportive of the project.

Last Saturday, we held a community festival: Harmony in Cultures. The day was a great success!

Treasurer's Report
Peter Foulger: There are two reports one for the fiscal year end which is July 31 and the other is for August. Each report is presented on a separate page.

Fiscal Year ending 31 July 2017
Annual Summary:
2016-17 receipts
Membership $ 310.00
Donations $ 0.00
Interest $ 48.18
Sponsorship $ 2,800.00
Misc.-insert, movie night $ 343.00
Total revenue $ 3,501.18
2016-17 expenses
Bank charges $ 0.00
Operating $ 18.00
Donations $ 2,850.00
Newsletter $ 3,691.26
Misc (festival, social) $ 1,300.65
Total expense $ 7,859.91
Increase/(decrease) for year $ (4,358.73)
Member's surplus 31 July 2016 $ 9,172.74
Member's surplus 31 July 2017 $ 4,814.01
Special Funds
Opening balance $ 2,547.15
Income/transfer $ 5,406.69 Disbursed $ (4,750.85)
Special Funds net $ 3,202.99
Members funds + Special finds $ 8,017.00
Alterna share $ 15.00
Alterna Account $ 8,002.00
Alterna Term Deposit $ 0.00
Total funds (surplus + refugee) $ 8,017.00
Special Funds breakdown
Art club $ 143.30
Syrian Refugee Fund $ 1,059.69
Garden Club $ 1,500.00
Harmony festival $ 500.00 Total $3,202.99

August 2017
Four sponsorships were received from City of Ottawa, Rimalou Drugs, Desjardins and Candy Kroeger for the September issue. Account interest of $0.70 was credited by Alterna.
No payments were made.
No activity.
Hunt Club Refugee Fund $ 1,059.69
Garden Fund $ 1,500.00
Harmony in Cultures Fund $ 500.00
Art Club Fund $ 143.30
Balance Sub-accounts $ 3,202.99
Members Surplus
Balance as of 1 August 2016 $ 4,814.01
Year to date expenses, HCCO $ 0.00
Year to date receipts, HCCO $ 400.70
Increase/(decrease) for year, HCCO $ 400.70
Member's surplus, HCCO $ 5,214.71
Total funds (Members surplus + funds) $ 8,417.70
Cash not deposited $ 0.00
Alterna share, HCCO $ 15.00
Alterna Account, HCCO & funds $ 8,402.70
Alterna Term Deposit HCCO, $ 0.00
Total all funds $ 8,417.70
Receivables & Liabilities:
We are owed two sponsorships and must pay for the HCMC printing. The City of Ottawa has invoiced $138.00 for the Art Club rom rental for Jan-May 2017.

Motion: To pay $673.48 for the newsletter and $138.00 for rental of the room for the Art Club. Moved by Peter Foulger, seconded by Dianne Nahal, carried.

Length of terms of directors
Peter Brimacombe: There is a small correction to the motion from June's meeting:

Motion: Moved that the directors be elected for one year terms and that they be elected or removed by a two thirds vote of members present at the meeting.
The current by-laws state that directors are elected for one year terms. The requirement that they be elected by a two thirds vote makes a hostile takeover much more difficult. The possibility of a hostile takeover was a consideration last year when the Board voted funds for different projects which had the effect of reducing the members' surplus. 20 years ago, directors were elected for two year terms but that policy obscured the voting process - there was a vote every year but it wasn't clear why some directors were elected and some were not.
Brian Wade: Two year terms promote continuity. Someone accepting the position of a director is more likely to stay for the full two years. Sue McCarthy: What about having only the key officers elected for two year terms with the other directors being elected for one year terms. The key officers are the president, vice president, treasurer and secretary.
May Douba: So what you are proposing is the status quo? Why are we debating this issue?
Christine Johnson: The Province is changing the rules for non-profit organizations. We are a non-profit organization, we want to be registered with the Province and to do so we have to have by-laws and submit them with our registration. There is no rush to decide this issue tonight so we will give it another month to allow people to submit their suggestions. Members should submit their suggestions to Brian, Peter or her.

Signs in the Forest
Christine Johnson: Linda King has been exploring McCarthy Woods. She was confused by all the paths and thought that signs would make navigation clearer.
Dianne Nahal: She suggests signs without lettering. There would simply be different colours to mark different paths. They could be applied with stencils and chalk paint. We wouldn't have to ask the NCC ( the property owner ) for permission because the chalk paint would fade away, leaving no trace.
David Armitage: Candy Kroeger has mapped all the little paths:
Riley Brockington: He doesn't think the NCC would support signage.

Nominating Committee
Christine Johnson: The Annual General Meeting is Monday November 6. John Sankey has agreed to chair the nominating committee. If you are a director and do not wish to run again or if you are a member over 18 and wish to run please let him know.
David Armitage: Near where he lives, there are communication cables to supply television and internet services. When one of these cables was installed, it was wrapped around a tree. He complained to the cable company. He helped remove bush and dead trees in Hunt Club Creek. There are a lot of dead ash trees in Uplands Park but there's no plan to cut them down and remove them. People at the Ashgrove Project have been more careful with their garbage.

Brian Wade: He sold 12 memberships at the Harmony in Cultures festival on Saturday. We are up to 55 members.

Community Garden
Brian Wade: His group applied for a grant for a community garden from Just Foods but was denied because there was no water source. His condo will supply the water. It will be located in Cahill Park next to his condo. It will be called "Our Back Yard".

Creative Art Club
Dianne Nahal: Lucie Bruck makes handicrafts. She sold them at the Harmony in Cultures festival on Saturday. She made $69 and donated it to the Art Club. The Art Club will be held on Tuesdays between 9:30 and 12:00 from September 26 and to December 19, 2017 and from January 16 to May 22, 2018. Cost is $2 drop-in fee.

Community Bulletin
Riley Brockington: He publishes a community bulletin. He's giving space to community associations that sell memberships to advertise. The HCCO is welcome to submit an ad.

Next meeting: Monday October 2 at 19:00