Minutes of Meeting 5 February 2018


Motion: to accept the agenda. Moved by Sue McCarthy, seconded by John Sankey, carried.

Motion: to approve the January 2018 minutes. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by Sue McCarthy, carried.

Naming of the fields in McCarthy Park after Ed Laverty: Ed Laverty spent 50 years promoting touch football and organizing the Ottawa-Nepean Touch Football League, and is a member of the Ottawa Sports Hall of Fame. For 2 decades the Ottawa championships have been held at McCarthy Park. His daughter, Tammy Laverty Hall, made a presentation about his accomplishments. Her husband, brother, and mother were also present. Ed Laverty passed away last fall.

Motion: that the HCCO supports the naming of the two championship football fields at McCarthy Park in honour of Ed Laverty. Moved by Al Gullen, seconded by Christine Johnson, carried unanimously.

Treasurer's Report.
Peter Foulger presented his report for January.

President's Report
Brian Wade proposed our priorities for 2018. Under the acronym OUR PARKS, he described our priorities:
Outreach to engage our community,
Utilize all our resources,
generate Revenue to support our activities,
engaging in Partnerships,
ensuring that our activities and aims Align with our community,
ensure member Recruitment to ensure volunteers,
capture and share the Knowledge of our community,
provide Social events to bond our community.

He proposed our immediate projects as working on a communications strategy, a community needs assessment, a community garden, improving Paul Landry Park, holding educational seminars, and partnering with the Owl Park Ice Rink group. Our proposed events for 2018 include a fall festival, a summer event, a fireworks gala, election candidates' events, a social event.

Councillor's Report
Councillor Brockington discussed the Claridge development on Hunt Club Road - we won some battles but lost the war; Otto's BMW construction, Ashgrove construction, the Quarry Co-ops safety meeting, upcoming safety audits and walks, and noise from low-flying aircraft. He flagged 5 upcoming events, suggested all-candidates events for the upcoming provincial elections, and distributed statistics from the speed boards in our area.

Lifetime Memberships
Brian Wade presented lifetime memberships to nine people who have served on our Board for ten years or more: Alan Asselstine, Gerry Beausoleil, Peter Brimacombe, Gisèle Loiselle-Branch, Fred MacLennan, Art Miskew, John Sankey, Nancy Seaby, Peter Vasdi.

Other Business
June Election Forum planning meeting Thursday Feb 15 7 pm. Brian Wade asked if somebody would like to go. No volunteers, so Brian will see about changing his personal schedule to attend.
Sue McCarthy described the plans for a walkability audit to take place on 12 February starting at 10:30 am.
SEOCHC is holding a partners' committee meeting 1:30 pm 15 February 2018 - John Sankey will attend for the HCCO.
Christine Johnson distributed blue T-shirts bearing the HCCO logo.

The next meeting will be Monday 5 March at 7 pm