Minutes of Meeting 5 March 2018


Motion: To accept the agenda as amended. Moved by Marilyn Koch, seconded by Dianne Nahal, carried.

Motion: To approve the February, 2018 minutes. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by John Sankey, carried.

Treasurer's Report
Peter Foulger: Presented the Treasurer's Reports for February. It is presented as an appendix.

Motion: To approve two expense items: $451.38 to John Sankey for printing costs for the March newsletter, $123.41 to the City for the cost of the room for the Art Club from September 2017 to December 2017. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by Peter Brimacombe, carried.

Christine Johnson: She noted how the tax credits for the Syrian Refugee Families work. She writes a personal cheque to Emmanuel United Church for the Syrian Refugee Families. She gets back a tax credit which she then donates to the Syrian Refugee Families. This arrangement was reported in the December 2016 minutes. She asked members to think about how to proceed with the remaining funds in our account for the Syrian refugee family expected to arrive this year in Riverview Park: Should we just donate the amount as is, OR should we have a director deposit it, in order to get the tax credit on the 2018 tax return?

John Sankey: The March issue was published and delivered.

Brian Wade: There are 72 registered members. One was added tonight and another last week.
The Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group has offered a special price for the Red Blacks, The Ottawa 67s and the Ottawa Fury to members of the HCCO.

Councillor's Report
Riley Brockington presented the Councillor's Report. Items:
Otto's BMW Construction Update
3225 Uplands Drive ( Ashgrove Development ) Completion is expected in the summer of 2018.
John Sankey: The developers will be late.
Dave Amitage: Pile driving is still going on but not on the week-ends.
Hydro One Field Remediation: He has had several discussions with Hydro One representatives about the poor state of the hydro corridor along McCarthy Road.
Bernie Geiger: Why did Hydro cut down all of the trees east of McCarthy?
Riley Brockington: Hydro does not want any vegetation higher than grass.
John Sankey: Meadows would be good.
Ed Laverty Fields: There is an application to the City to name the two football fields next to the Community Centre after Ed Laverty who was a driving force for Touch Football.
Commemorative Naming proposals approved at Council: The gymnasium in the Community Centre will be named The Robert and Linda Poulsen Gymnasium.
The Sawmill Creek Settling Pond will be named The Wendy Stewart Pond after our former councillor.
Peter Brimacombe: The Sawmill Creek Settling Pond is one of four ponds. Alan Asselstine, a former director on the HCCO was very involved in the effort to create them.
Wednesday March 7, Women's Day Speaker Series
Friday, March 16, River Ward Free Movie Night, Carlington Rec Centre
Saturday, April 21, River Ward Earth Day, Community Centre
Al Gullon: He could explain and promote the Environmental Choice Program on Earth Day.
Christine Johnson: She could help.
Friday, May 11, River Ward Older Adult Summit, Community Centre
Friday, June 8, Annual Strawberry Social, Community Centre

Lifetime Memberships
Brian Wade presented a lifetime membership to Peter Brimacombe who served on the Board for more than ten years.

Community Centre Mural
Dave Armitage: The outline of the old lettering on the Community Centre is still visible. What should we do about it?
Riley Brockington: City staff will assess whether the old adhesive can be removed and how it should be repainted.

Canoe Bay
Dave Armitage: Canoe Bay is a development at Walkley and Riverside. It advertises itself as a seniors residence but what assurances are there that it will be a seniors residence? (it's outside our boundaries)
Riley Brockington: Advertising and services are geared to seniors but the developers cannot discriminate by age.

Funding Applications
Christine Johnson: Three local businesses invite applications for donations to community events: Walmart, TD Place and Caisse Desjardins. We should apply for donations to projects such as our community garden. TD Place invites applications particularly in support of local parks such as Paul Landry Park.
Riley Brockington: This summer he will have an official opening of the play ground at Park Landry Park. We could apply for a donation to support the event - perhaps for snacks such as hot dogs.
Brian Wade: Anyone who signs up for an account at Caisse Desjardins can designate an organization to receive a donation. Caisse Desjardins will donate $10 to that organization.
Christine Johnson: HCCO has an account at Alterna Bank but it has never gotten involved in any of our community initiatives. Caisse Desjardins has. On numerous occasions, specifically as one of our regular newsletter sponsors, by coming out to our festivals with a kiosk and give aways, by financially contributing to our festivals, by helping with Paul Landry Park clean ups.

Motion: The Treasurer research services at Caisse Desjardins with a view to moving our banking there. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by John Sankey, carried.

Provincial Election - All Candidates Events
Brain Wade: Eight community associations in the Ottawa South Riding are co-operating to host two all-candidates events: a meet and greet at the Community Centre on May 16 and a formal debate at Hillcrest High School on May 29. The May 16 event will be held in the Seniors Room.

Motion: To contribute $175.50 towards the cost of the May 29 event at Hillcrest High School. Moved by Peter Foulger, seconded by John Sankey, carried.

Three Syrian Refugee Families
John Sankey: There was a silent auction in support of three Syrian refugee families. One of the items was not sold. He asked if there was any interest in Little Ray's Reptile Zoo?

Member Discount on City Recreational Activities
Brian Wade: The City offers HCCO members a 20% discount on City recreational activities but they have experienced problems when they asked for the discount.
Marilyn Koch: Unfortunately the City will only give the 20% discount on full memberships at the City's recreational facilities. If someone, for example, would only like a 'Group Fitness Classes' membership, they do not get the discount.
Christine Johnson: Group fitness membership is particularly important as it is the most popular one in our community.
Riley Brockington: He will get back to us.

Your Community Voice
Dave Armitage: Your Community Voice is the local newspaper that replaced Ottawa South News. Congratulations to everyone who works there.

Next meeting: Monday April 9 at 19:00

Appendix Treasurers Report
February 2018
Account interest of $0.67 for February was credited by Alterna. Three sponsorships for March were received and deposited.
No activity

Hunt Club Refugee Fund $ 1,059.69
Garden Fund $ 1,500.00
Harmony in Cultures Fund $ 500.00
Art Club Fund $ 136.30
Mural Project $ 69.00
Fireworks Gala $ 0.00
Balance Sub-accounts $ 3,264.99

Members Surplus
Balance as of 1 August 2017 $ 4,814.01
Year to date expenses, HCCO $ 1,179.25
Year to date receipts, HCCO $ 1,905.08
Increase/(decrease) for year, HCCO $ 725.83
Member's surplus, HCCO $ 5,539.84
Total funds (Members surplus + funds) $ 8,804.83
Cash not deposited $ 0.00
Alterna share, HCCO $ 15.00
Alterna Account, HCCO & funds $ 8,789.83
Alterna Term Deposit HCCO, $ 0.00

Total all funds $ 8,804.83

Receivables & Liabilities:
We are owed $100 by for the Sept issue of the newsletter and 2 X $110 each for March. One March sponsorship cheque has been received but not yet deposited.
J Sankey has submitted the ProPrinters invoice 34715 for the March News in the amount of $451.38 for reimbursement.