Minutes of Meeting 7 March 1979


Called by the Western Community Association at R Byrns Curry School. The meeting was called to order at 7.45 p.m. with Elspeth Menendez in the chair. Rick Green agreed to act as secretary to the meeting, and in that capacity read the minutes of the last previous meeting.

Minutes: Some questions regarding business arising from minutes were deferred until later. A resident of the Quarry area complained of non-receipt of a flyer. It was explained that they were delivered in bulk to a resident of the area for distribution. Motion to accept minutes was made by Mr.Kalil, seconded Mrs.Coutts, carried.

Treasurer's Report: Bill Henry reported that there had been no activity in the bank account since the last meeting, and the balance stood at $155.61, but an account for the flyers of $45.69 was now outstanding. In response to a question, he explained that the funds came from dues of $2 per family paid in previous years.

Roads/Transportation Report: In presenting a report for this committee, Mary Wiseman touched on: McCarthy Road/Riverside South (problems diminishing), McCarthy Road South, Plante, Hunt Club Road, Hunt Club/Knoxdale Arterial, Inner Ring Road proposal, Bus routings, and in response to varied questions, gave some information on Cahill, McCarthy Rd., and the Airport Parkway.

Parks and Recreation: Natalie McPhee reported on recent developments and plans, with some background information as necessary.
this spring, plans for a tot-lot at R.Byrns Curry
No community centre in area, supposed to share schools according to P&R Dept.,but few schools built to date and only an elementary school addition a possibility.
Plans for major activity centre (day care, library, arena, pool etc.) but we oppose South Keys area regarding location. We want beside Bank Street, they want it in Gloucester Township.
City requires developer to bring parks"up to standard" but the city has no standards, therefore developers do as little as possible.
Kids were consulted for park ideas, but city consultant would not accept proposals made.
There were several questions and comments from the floor - in particular: Wintario funds (Not available at the moment) School lands if schools not forthcoming (board must offer first to other school boards, then the Province, then the municipality before offering for sale by tender.

Bylaws & Constitution: Art Mountain reported on By-Laws passed in 1977, and recommended consideration of a change of name to more accurately reflect the area. After discussion it was moved that Subject to constitutionally acceptable adjustments being made the name of this Association be changed to "Hunt Club Community Association". Proposal moved by Doug Steubing, seconded by John McLean and it was carried unanimously.

President's Report: Bill Henry, acting as interim president gave a brief report and thanked Mary Wiseman, Art Mountain and Natalie McPhee for their untiring efforts, but asked for much greater participation from the community.

Election of Officers: There having been no nominating committee, Elspeth Menendez and Jeff Hampson were appointed scrutineers, and nominations from the floor were invited, including self nominations. The following were nominated:
Art Mountain - President by acclamation. All other posts, by constitution, were nominated together with provision for up to 14 other directors who would decide on positions between themselves. Nominated : David Rowat, Mary Wiseman, Eileen Stuebing, Rick Green, John Gushing, Donna Hampson, Don Labelle, Pete Laberge, Mary Gelston, Fred McLennan, Terry Dennison, Rick Rodger, Linda Hockey, Edgar LaBlanc, all by acclamation. The meeting was then turned over to the new President.

Other Business: Rick Green reported on a resident gaining a reduction in tax assessment due to a large hydro box being located in his back yard, and advised others they can now use the precedent for similar appeals. Points from the floor (speakers did not identify themselves)
Why did stop signs disappear at Uplands/Paul Anka as this is getting quite busy and dangerous?
Are lights coming at McCarthy and Cahill ?
A community bulletin board within the shopping centre was proposed.
A light or crosswalk on McCarthy near the shopping centre was requested.
area should become involved with Operation Identification and Block Parents

There being no further business, it was decided to hold an Executive Meeting on Wednesday March 14th, 8 pm, at the condomunium community centre, and the meeting then adjourned to allow those present to become acquainted and to view exhibits.