Minutes of Meeting 14 March 1979


Minutes of the March 7th general meeting were read and adopted. Positions: each member present stated which positions they prefered. After discussion, there was consensus on the following:
Vice-Pres. Membership: Fred McLennan
Vice-Pres. Transport: Terry Dennison
Vice-Pres. Com.Fac.Plan: Linda Hockey
Treasurer: John Gushing
Secretary: Rick Green
Dir.Condominium liaison: Eileen Steubing
Dir.,Soc.Svcs & Community Liaison: Mary Gelston
Dir.,Recreational Planning: Pete Laberge
Dir.,Recreational Services: Donna Hampson
Dir.,Transportation Planning: David Rowat
Dir.,Transportation Services: E.LaBlanc
Dir.,Major Devel.Projects: Rick Rodger
Dir., PR & Communications: Don LaBelle
Dir.,without portfolio: Mary Weisman

Treasury There was a motion to record new signing officers at the Bank of Montreal, in accordance with existing Bylaws m/s LaBelle, LaBerge carried. There was a second motion to transfer the account to the community Bank (Band of Nova Scotia) m/s LaBelle, Dennison : Carried.

Committees: The President suggested Vice Presidents should meet with those having common interests to determine who is to do what within their areas of interest. He suggested a list of paid up members should be established, and had some background material to be distributed.

Association Year: After discussion, it was agreed without motion that the Association year end would be March 31st.

Other business
T Dennison is to check By Laws for some changes to be recommended, including the year end date.
A Mountain suggested the name be incorporated for legal recognition as an entity, in event of appearance at OMB,and so that an individual can act officially for the Association instead of as a private citizen. T Dennison pointed out that Directors can become more liable in some areas - eg wages. Motion made to verify that the name is acceptable and to proceed with incorporation m/s Rowat, Gelston - carried.
M Weisman reported that Riverside S. President would like to get together with us.Relationships poor in the past, hope to improve.
future meetings were discussed. It was agreed this Executive should meet monthly, preferably on Mondays. April 23rd at the R B Curry School Library is to be the next meeting.
R Green asked if the Association would request a formal tennis club operation in the area, or should he do so as a private citizen if the Association was not ready, in view of the time element. It was decided the Association would follow up on this.
J.Gushing noted involvement with cub groups, who may be responsive to a request for future flyer delivery. A letter to Group Commander Ken Olinek is needed.
It was suggested that the Association might originate an approach re Operation Identification in the area.
It was suggested that enquiries be made about the creation of a community notice board in the shopping centre area.T. Dennison to follow up.
Possibility of creating ajoint community newspaper together with South Keys and Riverside South was discussed, but no action decided upon.

Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 10.10 pm on a motion by D. Rowat.