Minutes of Meeting 23 April 1979


Minutes from the previous meeting were read individually, and adopted m/s Steubing-Hampson

Business Arising: The Chairman explained that incorporation was proceeding and would include the ability to be a charitable foundation. In response to questions, he explained there there is no additional cost involved, financial statement by an auditor is not required, and that the use of the name had in fact been cleared for use. Forms were circulated for signature, and were witnessed by a visitor

Joint Meeting Mary Weisman mentioned additional contact from Riverside South . A joint meeting to be suggested for May 28th, at 7.30. Mary will advise location later.

Federation: Mary Weisman also requested cheque for $10 to pay fee for the Federation of Citizens' Associations, and suggestions of non- involved people who might help with a resource centre. Motion to pay fee of $10. m/s Green, LaBerge carried.

Treasurer's Report: John Gushing advised that errors in form completion meant doing it all again, and that consequently no action had yet been taken on the transfer approved at the previous meeting. He advised opening balance of 155.61, receipts of 62.00 membership print bill outstanding of 45.69 and receipt books etc. purchased of 7.83. Payment of both bills above m/s Rowat /Gelston.

Routine Expenses It was moved that payment of bills for routine expense up to an amount of $25.00 could be made with later report to the committee, m/s Denison/Green. Carried.

Transportation: T Denison regretted that the full committee had not yet met but reported concerns coming in - speed on McCarthy, traffic controls on Cahill, Paul Anka, Uplands, McCarthy.

Community Plans: L Hockey submitted a written report, retained by the Chairman. Several discussions ensued.

Condominium Report: E Steubing reported growing problems with dogs, and said a Condominium Board could give Humane Society permission to pick up strays, otherwise they would not do so on condominium property. She had contacted five condominiums, but several were in midst of year end elections making planning difficult at present.

President's Report: A Mountain reported having been contacted by several area residents about property use in the Hunt Club /Uplands area where long standing motocross use was causing problems for recent residents. He said he had prepared a letter on behald of the Association requesting the property owner who lives in Metcalf to discourage this use.

R Green asked that in future, all requests for policy letters should be discussed with the Executive Committee before action is taken. There was general agreement on this point. A motion to approve support to residents in this instance was carried m/s Hampson,McLenm

Plante Drive : D.Rowat mentioned an identical problem on NCC land close to Plante Drive, in which the RCMP display little interest. Motion to address a letter similar to the above to NCC m/s Rowat, Hampson.

Letterhead: E.Steubing asked that a design be prepared for letterhead, logo, memberships, etc., and offered to try to assist with printing of letterhead. R. Green to work on logo, and present to next meeting

Visitor : A Mountain introduced John Gushing, Senior Recreation Planner, Urban Policy Research Branch at City Hall, who explained that he worked with community and other groups on park development, programs, and neighbourhood studies. He reviewed history as known to him, but mentioned only being in his position six months. Gushing wished to have a meeting to discuss the Owl Drive site. He was asked to ensure the developers had paid a full share - doubts in this regard. Presentation would eventually be made to CDC, and T. Denison asked to be advised when this was to be done. Gushing was unable to supply cost estimates on any of the proposals, beyond rough ideas, and the committee felt it could make no meaningful decisions without that information. Tennis courts and pathways were to be covered by last year's budget.

After some explanations and discussion, it was agreed that this Executive would represent the community, and that a meeting would be held on May 10th at Byrns Currie School at 8 pm. R Green asked that the President formally invite the Alderman, J.Quinn, to be present.

T.Denison asked whether, without holding back work on the Owl Drive site, consideration could be given to exerting pressure to have minimal work done to at least grade the site on Cahill near Uplands, which is already being widely used by children and teens with no playground alternatives. The issue did not seem to be understood by some members of the committee, and after speaking on the need to complete the Owl Drive project, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 10.10 pm, with thanks to the visitor from City Hall.