Minutes of Meeting 2 June 1980


The newly elected President of the Association, Peter Laberge, opened and subsequently chaired the meeting. He gave a brief background of last year's activities and more specifically, the activities relating to parks development since the General Meeting of May 7th. It was decided that a complete set of Minutes of last year's meetings would be prepared for this year's Executive. It would also include a copy of the By-Laws and position description of each of the positions on the Executive. It was suggested that these books be kept intact by each participant so they may be passed on to future Executive members.

A discussion took place of major issues in the community in order to determine the best distribution of the Executive, keeping in mind the constraints outlined in the By-Laws.

Members were allocated responsibility as follows:
President: Peter Laberge
Secretary/Treasurer: John Gushing
V.P. Membership: Fred McLennan
V.P. Community Facilities and Planning: Lucie Bazinet
V.P. Transportation: Jim Minnes
Director of Public Relations: Don LaBelle
Director of Recreation Planning: Bob Blondin
Director of Social Services and Community Liaison: Peggy Murdock
Director of Recreational Services: Josh Hayashi
Director of Major Development ProjectProjects: Ned Lynch
Director of Transportation, Planning & Services: J. O'Brien
Director at Large: Florence Antecol
Director of Programs: Mary Gelston
Director at Large: Bob Ryerson
Director at Large: David Reid

It was decided that regularly scheduled monthly meetings would consist of the President, the Secretary/Treasurer, and the V.P.'s and Directors responsible to the President. Other members of the Executive will meet with and work with their appropriate V.P. as required.

The President informed the Executive of developments, mainly in the area of parks since the last meeting, and in particular, a meeting with the Mayor held in May.

David Reid in co-operation with Don LaBelle will produce a newletter for regular delivery to each household. The co-operation of all members of the Executive was solicited to supply newsworthy items. It was recognized that this newsletter is of extreme value to the community and the Association.

Three high priority items were identified for the Recreational people: 1) The quarry development; 2) The park site on Cahill; 3) The OBE land swap.

The President suggested that it is not too early to identify and establish programs for next year. The park sites should be more useable and we must ensure our community has first right of refusal on all facilities.

Items identified for the transportation people were the blind corner at Plante and McCarthy, and traffic around parks and school play areas.

The President is planning to meet with each V.P. over the next couple of weeks to discuss the up-coming year.

Bob Ryerson noted that he is willing to organize a community clean-up of McCarthy woods. This was enthusiastically endorsed by the Executive.

It was agreed that use of the Association letterhead must be agreed to by two members of the Executive.

It was agreed that the bank account would be moved from the downtown Royal Bank to the Hunt Club Scotia Bank. The Treasurer will arrange this.

The next meeting of the Executive will be June 25 at 7:15 p.m. at 3516 Paul Anka.