Minutes of Meeting 25 June 1980


Minutes of previous meeting. A change was reported in the organizational structure reversing the positions of Tosh Hayashi and Ned Lynch. Tosh is now responsible for Major Development Projects and Ned for Recreational Services. Mary Gelston and her group of Tosh Hayashi, Peggy Murdock and Bob Blondin will work directly with Peter Laberge. It was noted also that Pete Laberge is to determine the status of Eugene Besruky. The minutes as corrected, were adopted.(McLennan/Minnes).

McCarthy Woods clean up. The group was reminded of the clean-up of McCarthy Woods July 5. Bob Ryerson reported to Pete that he hadn't had any response and was going to attempt, a phone campaign.

A vote of congratulations was extended on the first HCCA Newsletter produced by Don LaBelle and Dave Reid. It was very successful and should prove to be extremely valuable. It was noted that four area community associations are getting together to discuss the formation of an. Ottawa South newspaper.

Discussion on the unavailability of our previous printing source resulted in the following action being agreed to: Pete Laberge will attempt to get the city to do the printing. Don LaBelle will attempt to get advertising from local merchants. John Gushing will approach Dolco as they have a rep. in the area. We will pay a maximum of $150 if necessary to have it printed as a last resort.

Membership About 150 paid up member households. It was agreed that Directors on the Executive would supply Fred with names of people they know of in their area who could help with a membership drive. We need 60-70 people. Fred will organize the drive and update our current membership list. He will also attempt to have the membership volunteers get feedback while selling on topics such as concerns of the community, likes, dislikes, why they don't want to join, etc. A decision on using the mails to get renewals was deferred until this fall.

Recreational Programs There were approximately 50 tennis applicants registered. It was decided refunds will have to be made if classes cannot be scheduled. We are attempting to organize pick-up baseball for the youngsters at Owl Drive park and we have advertised this for Mondays and Thursdays 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Bob Blondin is organizing adult supervision.

Mary is attempting to put together programs in the schools this fall (after 4, arts and crafts, dance, bridge). It was noted that we must have our plans ready by January 31st each year for use of ball diamonds and soccer fields, otherwise they can be reserved and used by any group in the city.

The Program Committee will contact conveners of Soccer , T-Ball and perhaps Little League. It was noted that it was not up to the Community Association to organize these activities, but rather act as an information resource and go-between, if required. Mary is also thinking about some type of Flea Market for the area.

We have been approached by the city concerning skating and hockey rinks. It was agreed that one boarded rink with a change shack would be located at Paul Anka and McCarthy. Other skating rinks could be located at Owls Cahill,, and perhaps, Uplands Park locations (McLennan/Minnes).

A brief description of a meeting with the city was given by Pete. We still have about $6 Ok to allocate and Pete has requested an accounting. The Mayor is still interested in the Quarry development and wants to look at the Campeau proposals. It would have to be described as a city park like Brewer and Mooney's Bay. It was noted that Campeau has shelved discussion until after discussions of the major shopping center on Bank St. have taken place.

We have a very high profile on the OBE land swap ; Bette Stephenson is involved. It was noted that the 60 unit low rental project on Uplands and Cahill is going ahead as of April 1, 1981. It was agreed that Mary's and Lucie's committees be charged with the task of producing a proposal for the Executive on all park facilities , to be presented to a General Meeting of the community in October.

6. Transportation Jim Minnes has been gathering a great deal of information from the city and region on the Ottawa South area. He is monitoring the Hunt Club Knoxdale arterial and will set up some type of forum for community opinion on such issues. Pete reported he is cataloguing issues from past years and transportation is one such issue. Jim will look into the issue revolving around the Bank St. Shopping Center. He will attempt to be in a position to give a full presentation of transportation issues in an October time frame as well. It was noted that OCTranspo will be conducting a study of the area. Concern was expressed regarding speeding in the community and parking on Uplands. Jim will investigate and attempt appropriate action.

Community Security Pete Laberge will become involved in co-ordinating security.

Owl Drive Park Some of the residents of Bourbon St. are considering trees and shrubs between their properties and the park. John Gushing will organize this activity.

Incorporation and Insurance Pete is checking into these two open issues.

The next meeting will be held in late July. Members will be notified by the Secretary. Meeting Adjourned. (Cushing/Antecol).