Minutes of Meeting 3 June 1996


Regional Councillor, Wendy Stewart, reported on the following: Corporate review has been done to examine why and how Region provides its services in order to recommend ways of improving, maintaining, or changing services to respond to the current economic climate. Report is available and was tabled to Regional council 3 June. Public can comment on these recommendations at a standing committee meetings in June. Council to approve/disapprove recommendations on 10 July. Budget Directions '97 report available and to be considered by Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee on 18 June, where public input is welcomed. Council to consider budget report recommendations on 10 July. Moody's Investors Service of New York has confirmed RMOC's triple A credit rating based on its strong funding policies, moderate debt level, and ability to pay off its debt. This rating means that external investors will have a greater trust in the Region's ability to manage its finances. Extra blue box service. Starting 2 July a new garbage service (to include plastics) comes to Ottawa. Blue Box and More booklet being mailed at end of June. McCarthy Woods (see below). Call Wendy's office for more information.

City Ward 0T8 Councillor, Karin Howard, reported on the following: Wading pools and outdoor rinks. Report on comments from Hunt Club Riverside Recreation Association meeting 20 Mar and related meeting at City Hall on 18 Mar available since 29 May. No pools to be closed; however open hours at pools to be reduced. 6 skating rinks, including the one on Uplands Dr. are to be closed. CSOC recommendations to go to Council 5 June. 655 Walkley road (at corner of Riverside Dr.) being converted from rental units to private ownership. Application recommended for approval subject to protection for existing residents and conditions on applicant to complete certain tasks. Recommendations to go to Council 5 June. Independant legal council by having a City Solicitor who reports directly to Council. Such a person is now free to present and back opinions without intermediate interpretation. Winter snow removal property repair scheduled to end 2 June. If your property still needs repair, contact City customer service at 244-5444. Trees available for planting for $10/each. Call 244-5444 for more information. To help save City money, please water trees on or near your property. Heritage designation. Booth Barne Complex (Bldg. #144-118) on Experimental Farm to be given heritage designation. Objections to be sent as registered mail or personally delivered to City Clerk by 17 June. Use of rib pipe in Ottawa has been approved for use in sewer system. Rib pipe is thinner and cheaper, and City will closely monitor use of this pipe. For more information, call Mr. Cole. Use of ethanol in gasoline. To be used for City vehicles. Cleaner fuel and is produced from a renewable energy source (sun, corn and other grains). Hunt Club Neighborhood Plan (see below). Draft Z2020 zoning bylaw (see below). Heron/Walkley corridor lands (see below). 3390 Riverside Dr. signs bylaw amendment (see below). For city-related issues, call Karin's office.

Protecting our green spaces - NCC land corridor between McCarthy Rd. and Riverside Dr.: Coady Coop petition forwarded to NCC with letter of support from Region. NCC supports the preservation of McCarthy Woods. Onus is now on Ottawa and the two studies currently underway to clearly define the boundaries of sensitive lands north of the airport. Coady Coop is now spearheading a petition involving all local residents. Cannot rezone an area until it has been legally surveyed; as soon as McCarthy Woods can be surveyed, it can be rezoned. Call Sue Taylor for more information.

Hunt Club Neighborhood Plan: Hunt Club to receive a full neighborhood plan. Planning process may take 12-18 months. There is an approved plan from the 1970s, which is outdated. Deliverable from this planning exercise will be a secondary policy plan to replace that from the 1970s. Steps will be first to draft a terms of reference (by Sept), and then to fund the plan. May need to look for and pay for advice from experts. Although City Council will make the ultimate decisions, this plan is the best way of protecting the future, especially if the plan is based on community input and expert opinions. Many school boards have planners on staff who could help. Should ask Region to contribute advice regarding lands owned by the Region. Senior planner, Jeff Hunter, needs volunteers from area to help him in planning. Several people from the HCCO volunteered. Jeff needs about 4-5 people who would meet 3-5 times and then take suggestions to the public. Alan Asselstine moved to set up an HCCO-supported advisory committee to support Jeff (motion seconded and passed). Jeff to coordinate community meetings with those for NOSS and Greenway in order to minimize strain on community. - When developing the plan, we should use the land designations in the proposed Z2020 bylaw. - Could the Hunt Club golf club sell their lands to a developer? Call Jeff Hunter for more information.

Protecting our green spaces - Z2020 bylaw and other efforts: Revised Z2020 to be tabled at Council on 19 June. Hearings will then commence. Changes can still take place afterwards. Different focus from previous bylaws in that Z2020 assumes anything not stated in the bylaw is not allowed. This puts onus on those wanting any variances to prove their usefulness. Z2020 does not stand alone, but is based on a strategy document. Z2020 exercise is to end Feb/Mar 1997. Fully colored maps of new and old zoning are available from City at about $15 each. Call Anne Ernesacks for more information.

Protecting our green spaces - Heron/Walkley corridor lands: Final report on corridor lands available Issue to go to Planning Committee 11 June. Heron/Walkley Greenspace Coalition to meet regularly on issue. Call Karin's office for more information.

Advertising billboard planned for Riverside Dr.: Application to change bylaw to allow this sign on Ontario Hydro land west side of Riverside and north of CN rail tracks. Concern that allowing Hydro to exercise its right to build on land currently zoned industrial will give it legal right to develop more of that land, which is currently part of the green space. Public meeting to be held to obtain community feedback. Call Mr D. Brousseau at for more information.

Regional vs. city boundaries issues that were discussed: Many services cross city boundaries, and a Regional government is in a position to ensure consistency across boundaries. Single-tier governments exist in other areas of North America, such as around Boston; however, what seems to happen is that wealthy communities can maintain their infrastructure (roads, water, etc.) whereas poorer communities don't have the money to do so and grow poorer, creating problem areas that effect everyone.

Hunt Club fire station opening their doors to community services: Space available for crime and fire prevention, classrooms, etc. Suggestion going to the Community Services and Operations Committee (CSOC) for approval and funding. Call Karin's office for more information.

Memberships: Discussed possibility of identifying official programs for the HCCO to follow. Members may be more interesting in supporting the HCCO if they had a clearer idea of official directions. Could even indicate which percentage of the membership fee would go towards supporting which program. Call Peter Vasdi for more information.

Victoria Day celebrations and fireworks at Pauline Vanier Park, 1025 Harkness Ave., north of Walkley between Banks St. and Riverside Dr.: General Vanier School's Lighthouse Program has been organizing this event each year. The HCCO moved (seconded and passed) to contribute $100 towards the expenses for this event. Call Alan Asselstine for more information.

Misc. items: Regional development strategy and infrastructure strategy open house on 20 Jun. Call Fred McLennan for more information.

Next HCCO meeting is Tue 3 Sep at 7:30 p.m. at the Hunt Club Riverside Community Centre at the corner of Paul Anka and McCarthy. Anyone is welcome. Annual General Meeting to be scheduled for later in Sep. Call Fred McLennan for more information.