

See "Neighborhood Plan" below. Alan Asselstine moved that we provide a table manned by HCCO to provide a forum for people to vent their ideas, and solicit help from experts in area. Motion seconded and passed, with one nay.

See "Storm" below. Motion made to thank Region and City for cleaning up - timely and efficient removal and restoration of trees. Alan seconded the motion. Voted all in favor.

See "Banking options" below. Alan Asselstine moved to change HCCO bank account from business to a personal chequing account. Motion tabled until Alan checks into options.


The following summarizes the issues discussed at the 2 Feb 98 meeting of the Hunt Club Community Organization (HCCO) at the Hunt Club Riverside Community Centre (HCRCC).

Regional Councillor, Wendy Stewart, submitted a report on the following:

City councillor, Karin Howard, submitted a report on the following:

Restructuring local regional/municipal government:

Protecting the Experimental Farm:

Pros and cons of having a separate library for our area:

Addressing traffic dangers at McCarthy Rd:

Subsidizing the francophone games at the Terry Fox Athletic Centre:

Funding, managing, and improving Mooney's Bay:

Crime prevention program:

Reassessing your property values:

Saving the Southern Corridor:

Minimizing traffic noise at Hackett Pond area:

Working on the Neighborhood Plan:

Collecting garbage efficiently:

Increasing the number of organizations that generate electric power:

Regional council looking for volunteer voices to sing O Canada:

Helping the Humane Society by reducing its taxes and interest payments:

Improving access to the Airport Parkway:

Helping residents recover from with ice storm, and preparing ourselves for future emergencies:

Minimizing impact of ice storm on wildlife:

Minimizing bank charges for the HCCO account:

Regional budgeting to meet expenses and yet not increase taxes:

City budget for 1998:

Riley and Peter Vasdi are to get together to come up with a new brochure.

Woman seriously injured her elbow at Owl Park rink.

Anne Brandel: don't forget the garage sale in May.

HCCO has insurance.

Next meeting: Mon 2 Mar 98 at 7:30pm