

Motion by Bill Royds that the NOSS study area reports for neighborhood areas 28, 29 and 30 be made available to HCCO. Seconded by Anne Brandel. Voted and carried.


The following summarizes the issues discussed at the 1 Jun 98 meeting of the Hunt Club Community Organization (HCCO) at the Hunt Club Riverside Community Centre (HCRCC).

Regional Councillor, Wendy Stewart, submitted a report on the following:

City councillor, Karin Howard, submitted a newsletter reporting on the following:

1998 regional budget Finalized.

$4 Million allocated to reforest Ottawa-Carleton: Some discussion as to the damage in the Hunt Club area - McCarthy Woods possible problems re bush fires in woods - concerns about activity during the woods in the late evening - compliments to the region and city for cleanup programs- site on Antares to close June 6/98 - this had been established as a temporary site for disposal of brush and pickup of wood chips.

Experimental Farm: Report circulated various concerns re future plans of the experimental farm, it was felt that some buildings which have heritage value may not be retained, e.g., Weather station.

Mooney's Bay Beach to remain open all summer: Exceeds provincial water quality standards - it is the only beach in the region to stay open without restrictions.

Electro radar trailer: Viewed as a positive means of speed control but some felt a requirement for police enforcement. Wendy stated that there had been an actual decrease of 5 km during the previous 12-month period due to regional enforcement.

Light rail Project

Community Environmental Project Grants Program: Funding is available for small-scale community based initiatives for environmental betterment - deadline June 22. Fred has copy of document and additional info. It was suggested that we should perhaps contact Warren Monroe.

Council Backs Conference Centre Plan:

Special Council Meeting to Debate Governance: Several lengthy discussions ensued with respect to this topic - general agreement to items 1 to 8 with some modifications - however group was divided as to what we were actually agreeing to - unfortunately Wendy had just received report and could not confirm the details - therefore we spoke in general terms only too many questions remain - however item 8 needs further clarification: Environmental must also be included, there is no mention of greenspace or quality of life, which must be addressed

Quinterra-Riverwood Party:

Sidewalks on west McCarthy Road: There is a possibility they could be built in the near future.

Karin is also requesting community support and assistance: "How to save as much as possible" of the Southern corridor.

Community garage sale received tremendous support from members of HCCO and was having difficulty moving within her home due to the amount of goods received. Fred Winters agreed to help transport items to centre Saturday morning For more information, call Anne Brandel.

Draft NOSS Study: problem the study sample was in June and therefore was somewhat skewed as the spectrum of species was very limited. For more information, call Peter Vasdi.

Next meeting: Tue 8 Sep 1998 at 7:30pm