Minutes of Meeting 1 February 1999


Fred McLennan moved to proceed with the site of reconcilation, seconded by Liz Russell. Voted. Passed.

Anne Brandel moved that all community representatives would withdraw from the Public Advisory Committee (PAC) and not participate in the Neighbourhood Study until our co ncerns are listened to and respected. Seconded by Peter Brimacombe. Passed unanimously.

Regional Councillor, Wendy Stewart, to submit a report on the following:

Southern Corridor preservation effort: The southern corridor group presented their views and ideas concerning the proposed development of the NCC lands in the southern corridor. Brian Gifford lead the discussion.

For more information, contact Shelley Parlow.

Millenium Park? Kathy Ablett brought up the idea of a Millennial Park to preserve the southern corridor. For more information, contact Kathy Ablett at 523-3443.

Request to delay HC Neighborhood Plan study: Wendy Stewart said that our best strategy is to delay the Neighbourhood Plan. Call Wendy's office at 560-1223 to get involved or for more information.

Ideas on saving the Corridor: A number of other ideas were presented:

For more information, contact Peter Brimacombe at 521-4423.

School children may help research value of Southern Corridor. Anne Brandel has doubts about buying the land, but she will proceed to enlist the support of the school children. The idea is that the school children would paint pictures and write stories that tell of the value of the southern corridor. For more information, contact Anne Brandel at 523-7888.

Diane Deans supports library in Southern Corridor. Shelley Parlow said that City Councillor, Diane Deans would support construction of a library on the southern corridor and make development conditional on the library. For more information, contact Shelley Parlow.

Unite community organizations to save Southern Corridor. Frances Tanner said we should form a coalition of community organizations, delay development until we had sufficient infrastructure and build support for green space. For more information, contact Frances Tanner at 728-8728.

Southern Corridor strategy session. Wendy Stewart would contact a woman to lead a strategy session to help develop our own vision of the southern corridor. For more information, contact Wendy's office at 560-1223.

Motion to pay for Southern Corridor through taxes defeated by City. City Councillor, Karin Howard wrote a letter to Erwin Dreessen, dated February 1, 1999: she presented a motion to the Policy, Priorities and Budget Committee to put a question on the ballot that would levy a tax to buy a portion of the southern corridor. Her motion was defeated. For more information, contact Karin Howard's office at 244-5365.

Wendy Stewart's report: Wendy Stewart presented a report of eleven items: here are seven: The Region is concerned that the proposed development of the southern corridor would overload the road system. OC Regional Police have budgeted for adult crossing guards. Concerns that chlorine in the water could pose an elevated risk of cancer but that risk must be balanced against the proven risk of water-borne disease. IOGEN will build a demonstration plant to produce ethanol, use of ethanol can reduce greenhouse gases. A publication, NCC a Capital in the Making. Airport Parkway, traffic counts show that the new ramps allow substantially more cars to use the Parkway. Wendy is committed to holding the line on taxes. For more information, contact Wendy's office at 560-1223.

Report on light rail pilot project: Nancy Seaby presented a report on the public meeting concerning the Light Rail Pilot Project, Jan 13, 1999: the Pilot would run trains every 15 minutes. For more information, contact Nancy Seaby at 736-0659.

Next meeting: Mon 1 Mar 1999 at 7:30pm