Minutes of Meeting 7 June 1999


Peter Brimacombe moved that the Hunt Club Community Organization would be willing to reenter the Neighbourhood Planning Process in a spirit of cooperation with City Staff in September. Liz Russell seconded. Carried.

Andrei Grushman moved that the Hunt Club Community Organization support a request to the City of Ottawa for funding to cover the analysis of issues raised in the Hunt Club Neighbourhood Plan. Peter Brimacombe seconded. Carried.

Kathy Ablett moved that the parameters of reentry into the Neighbourhood Study be discussed at the PAC and the Southern Corridor Working Committee. Shelley Parlow seconded. Carried.

Regional Councillor, Wendy Stewart, submitted a report on the following:

Shelley Parlow noted that the Public Advisory Committee (PAC) had voted to withdraw from the Neighbourhood Study and asked do we as a community ask to resume the planning process with the City of Ottawa?

Fred McLennan said that we are trying to find a compromise with the NCC.

Kathy Ablett asked are we going to start up the Neighbourhood Study? She said that after meeting with the City Planner Mr.Moser she believes that the NCC is more willing to compromise, that Councilor Jim Bickford reports no support on City Council for keeping the southern corridor in its existing state, we should look at starting up the Neighbourhood Study.

Peter Brimacombe said that the Neighbourhood Study should protect us from the certain increase in traffic and should provide for pedestrian access to the South Keys Shopping Mall.

Shelley Parlow reported that Jim Bickford said that City Council does not support preserving the southern corridor, she found a large hole , freshly dug in the southern corridor and wondered who had dug it?

General comments were that maybe kids had dug it.

Andrei Grushman recommended the report prepared by Brian Gifford because it provides a good summary of the issues, Andrei made three points:

He again emphasized that we need independent planning advice to do the Neighbourhood Study.

Bill Royds said that two planners were hired for the Confederation Heights Study. There was a citizens committee that set the criteria for selecting the planners and then hired them. City Planning Staff approved the planners.

Andrei Grushman has spoken to two former City Planners and one has made a proposal. The individual was knowledgeable and personable. He asked if we were interested in principle in obtaining professional advice?

Kathy Ablett said that we must participate in the Neighbourhood Study.

Andrei Grushman said that he would like authority to investigate hiring an independent consultant, he is encouraged that Urbandale is taking another look at the design of their two towers, Fines Flowers has been sold to Tubman Funeral Home. Riverwood/Quinterra Association will meet to discuss these issues. Riverwood/Quinterra is part of the Hunt Club Community located west of Riverside Drive. If the Hunt Club Community Organization agrees he would see if the City can pay for a planner and he would contract for some initial planning work. The cost would be in the area of $500.

Fred McLennan said there are two issues: whether to resume the Neighbourhood Study and the funding of independent planning advice.

Everyone at the meeting was invited to state how he or she felt about preserving the southern corridor:

Next meeting: Tue 7 Sep 1999 at 7:30pm