Minutes of Meeting 4 October 1999


Motion: Kathy Ablett moved that $24 be spent to continue our presence on the Internet. Seconded by Nancy Seaby. carried.

Motion: Alan Asselstine moved to continue the operation of the High Board ice rink. Peter Brimacombe seconded. carried.

Motion: Shelley Parlow moved to support the CRASH position, the CRASH position opposes the proposal to allow bigger trucks on the road and to increase the length of time the drivers could drive. Seconded by Art MisKew. carried.

Motion: Peter Brimacombe moved that the Board advertise its Annual General Meeting to be held on November 1, 1999 at 19:30 in the Hunt Club/Riverside Community Centre. Kathy Ablett seconded. carried.

Regional Councillor, Wendy Stewart, submitted a report on the following:

Municipal Restructuring: Drummond Pit, Wendy wants to swap land owned by the Region with privately held land so that a park can be made beside the Quinterra-Riverwood community

Light Rail Project: Regional Council has voted to approve this project but Wendy is against it because it is too expensive and because it won't transport people to where they need to go. Peter Brimacombe said that the project was a distraction from developing an excellent service using the existing bus routes.

Resurfacing Project: Riverside Drive has now been resurfaced, the activity of resurfacing preserves the roadbed and saves the cost of rebuilding it.

Y2K: the Region has verified that essential services will continue to operate during the date change.

Shelley Parlow: reported on the southern corridor. The City proposed a zoning of leisure but the NCC was not prepared to downzone the land without compensation. City planner, Dan Moser said to wait before restarting the Neighbourhood Study. Shelley was going to ask how Municipal Restructuring may impact the Neighbourhood Study. There is no plan to develop the southern corridor but neither is there any protection to limit development.

Kathy Ablett said we should thank Anne Brandel for her capable service on the Board.

Alan Asselstine reported that we have $8000 in the bank which is down by $600 from last year. Expenses approved by the Board were greater than money raised from selling memberships.

Shelley Parlow reported on the Safety Audit. The Police gave a presentation, the Hunt Club News published an article, there is a new sign at Uplands Park with the Park's name, access for disabled was improved and the Women's Action Centre against Violence gave Shelley a card in appreciation of her work.

Next meeting (the 1999 Annual General Meeting): Mon 1 Nov 1999 at 7:30pm