Minutes of Meeting 1 November 1999 (Annual General Meeting)


Motion: Alan Asselstine moved that three people from the Hunt Club Community Organization review the proposed Cognos expansion. Seconded by Peter Foulger. Carried.

Motion: Nancy Seaby moved to accept the treasurer's report Seconded by Kathy Ablett. Carried.

Regional Councillor, Wendy Stewart, submitted a report, as did City Councillor Jim Bickford.

Presentation by Regional Police : Terry Friday lead the presentation by eight police officers: the new police service model is based on three policies, district policing, differential response and problem oriented policing. District policing is the pol icy where police officers are assigned to specific districts, in this way the officers get to know their district and the people in the district get to know their officers. The idea is to build continuity with the community and partnerships with groups wi thin the community. Differential policing is the policy where the police put priority on life-threatening emergencies and crimes in progress, other problems are dealt with as a second priority. Problem oriented policing is the policy of taking pro-active initiatives to deal with specific problems. Terry Friday gave out a pamphlet describing our District which is District 33.

Police Numbers to call:

Paul St-Laurent said that residents can take license numbers of cars that violate the law and he would contact the car owners Phone 236-1222. In case of accidents, cars can be moved out of the way if they can be safely moved, but the drivers must report the accident in person to the Police if the total damage is more than $1000. In District 33, drivers can report the accident at the Community Police Centre at Highway 31 and Leitrim.

Alan Asselstine noted that while car insurance is based on fault, the police do not see the determination of fault to be that important.

Shelley Parlow: residents should take responsibility for their neighbourhood and take down the plates of cars that break the law and give the numbers to the police.

Jim Bickford: has worked many years with the police, they have many demands made on them, he is frustrated that most calls are false alarms from electronic surveillance systems.

Anne Brandel distributed a report on the South Ottawa Gloucester Community Resource Action Team (SOGCRAT). This is a community group that sponsors youth leadership programs and activities.

Nominations for the Board:

Wendy Stewart presented her report. There was discussion on the proposed Windmill project, there will be a public meeting at the Fiverside United Church on November 15 at 19:30.

Jim Bickford presented his report. High traffic volume on McCarthy road is a problem but there is no easy answer. The laws and policies concerning dangerous dogs are not adequate. Cognos proposes a big new office building and a parking garage at its lo cation at Uplands and Riverside.

Alan Asselstine, Treasurer's Report: The Hunt Club Community Organization has three activities: softball, the ice rink and projects associated with board members. Overall in 1999, expenses exceeded revenue by $759.33. There are capital assets of $7,72 5.10. We should sell more memberships next year.

Art Miskew noted that the Report is not audited.

Next meeting: Mon 6 Dec 1999 at 7:30pm