Councillor Karin D. Howard

Quartier Mooney=s Bay Ward

111 promenade Sussex Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1N 5A1

Tel: (613) 244-5365

Fax: (613) 244-5373



October 5th, 1998

Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning: 3735-55, 3860 Riverside Drive, 3750 Bowesville Road

The City=s intention was to remove the Official Plan designation for this area which currently exists as a Secondary Employment Centre; the subject properties would also be designated as Residential. The zoning in this case was not altered from CE-Employment Centre to CG2-General Commercial. In addition, the parking caps were increased to permit extra parking on site, in light of the following factors:

The increase outlined above will ensure that a secondary employment node is possible for the area. The issue went to Planning and Economic Development Committee September 29, 1998, where it passed. It is expected to clear Council.

McCarthy Road Sidewalk Construction

Further to the information supplied in last month=s newsletter, I am pleased to report that construction is presently in full swing, and the project is expected to be entirely complete by mid-October. Mr. John Bradley is the contact at the City who is responsible for overseeing this endeavour, and any questions pertaining to the logistics of the matter may be directed to him at (613) 244-5300, ext. 3385. At last, residents may rest assured that children travelling to and from school will have a safe route to take along this road.

Proposed Microcell Connexions PCS Antenna Installation

A constituent alerted me to a proposal that could affect residents in the McCarthy Road/Southmore Drive area. Upon further investigation, I learned that Microcell is in the process of entering into an agreement with Ontario Hydro that would provide for the installation of PCS antennae on, and a 10" by 10" equipment shelter at the base of, an existing hydro tower immediately west of McCarthy Road. I have been in touch with Novatech, the company representing Microcell, and have been furnished with the following information relating to the proposed installation:

After reviewing the materials presented, I have no reason to believe that this addition will negatively affect the community; indeed, the constituent who advised me of this potential problem has himself been in contact with Novatech and is satisfied that this will not be cause for concern. Nevertheless, I am keen to hear your views on the issue and will attempt to address or resolve any difficulties brought to my attention.

Iogen Site Plan

Council approved Iogen=s application to expand its ethanol research facilities. Circulation of the proposed site plan was done during the summer, therefore the documents were drawn to President Fred McLennan=s attention and I suggested that a public meeting be held, but there seemed to be no public concern. Some Quinterra Riverwood residents were also solicited at random for comment. An article on this matter in AThe News@ elicited no negative responses from residents.

1999 Budget

I have recently reactivated the group which met to discuss the City Budget last year. Since our CUPE 503 labour arbitration award has been resolved (with a significant impact on our 1999 Budget), staff have been able to make recommendations to Council via Policy, Priorities and Budgeting Committee on Thursday, October 1st, 1998. The following reports were provided by staff and forwarded to members of the Budget group, in advance, for comment:

Those of you who wish to be involved in the City budget process should contact me. You will be pleased to know that staff recognize that this budget should be much easier than last year=s budget. We have taken the difficult cuts and can maintain the status quo in the 1998 budget with no tax increases and no staff lay-offs or new debts incurred, provided Council does not launch into any new construction projects or other new expenditures. City Treasurer Mona Monkman has informed us that we are the only municipality in the province to meet our provincial budget pressures in the first year. The recommended Capital Budget spending for 1999 has been kept to $30.8 million, despite departmental requests to spend $56.9 million. Thanks to last year=s tough decision-making, the City has achieved a new level of stability for both City employees and taxpayers.

1998 Tax Bill

The 1998 tax bills were all sent out within the last month. Because many bills will be higher than in 1997, two partial remedies have been put into effect. First, the Province has provided a grant of possibly one-time funds to offset the increase in the education portion of our taxes. This is identified as the AProvincial Downloading Adjustment@ on your bill. Second, the City decided to defer the due date of two thirds of your tax increase, if any. This deferral is called the APhase-In Adjustment@ on your bill. You will be able find answers to many common questions asked about taxes in the brochure sent out with your tax bill. Alyson Instance can be contacted directly (at 244-5300, ext. 3946) to send you any one of the following types of information to help you with your taxes:

Ward 8 NCC Greenspace Designations for Dogs-in-Parks

The following open spaces owned by the NCC have been designated as suitable for ADogs on Leash@:

Listed below are lands owned by the NCC that have been established as appropriate for walking dogs off-leash (designation known as ADogs under Control@)

* In part; designation will change by area

Please note that dogs are not allowed at all at the Hog=s Back Park Concession area or at the Vincent Massey Park Picnic grounds.