Councillor Briefing Notes: Time Capsule Program

update:  February 11, 2005


Program Overview:

To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the City of Ottawa, a physical time capsule will be assembled to offer future generations a tangible insight into the City of Ottawa, the business of the municipal corporation, and community life in the city’s 21 wards during the anniversary year of 2005. This time capsule consists of a specially designed container that will preserve the mementos until it is opened at some future date. The current plan is to open the time capsule for the City’s 200th anniversary. For the 50 years in between, the time capsule will be stored at the City of Ottawa Archives.


The suggested contents of the time capsule would include:

·        Mayor’s letter to future Ottawa generations

·        Mayor’s Proclamation of the 150th anniversary

·        Photograph of City of Ottawa Council members

·        150th anniversary mementos (non-metallic, i.e. t-shirt with the 150 logo)

·        One “scrapbook” reflecting 2005 community activities in each ward



Councillors’ offices will be asked to compile over the course of the year photos, testimonials, articles, etc. representing significant activities in their wards during 2005 that can be included in one scrapbook for the entire city. Given limited space within the time capsule and the scrapbook, each ward will be asked to provide enough material for a “chapter” consisting of approximately 5 scrapbook pages (81/2 x 11 inches). More details on this will be provided at the end of April.


All 21 chapters will be compiled in December 2005 into one 150th scrapbook for inclusion in the time capsule


Ceremony and Sealing of the Time Capsule

To allow Councilors the time required to build an inventory of material representing the entire year, the time capsule will be publicly presented and sealed in December 2005, possibly at the Mayor’s Annual Christmas Party. Details on the deadline for submission of the materials for the scrapbook will be communicated at a later date.



Roles and Responsibilities:




·        Councillors are responsible for compiling and deciding which commemorative pieces should be submitted for their wards.

·        Councillors are encouraged to involve their community; perhaps soliciting submissions for what best represents the ward.



Student interns from the Algonquin Museology Program will assist Heritage staff with the implementation of this project.