Councillor Briefing Notes: Tree Planting Program

update:  February 8, 2005


Program Overview:

As part of the City of Ottawa’s 150th anniversary celebrations, the city’s community tree planting program will be supported through the provision of 150 one-inch diameter deciduous trees to be distributed city-wide as a living commemoration that will be available for the enjoyment of future generations. 


Six (6) trees have been allocated to each Ward Councillor and twenty-four (24) trees to the Mayor’s office for distribution within their communities. Community groups who submit a request for an anniversary tree are encouraged to seek an appropriate site on either public or community property that will ensure the long-term viability of the tree.


Mayor Chiarelli will officially announce the program on Heritage Day, February 21 2005. 


Tree Species and Delivery

The tree species selected for this anniversary celebration are sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and red oak (Quercus rubrum). Both trees are native to eastern Ontario and under ideal conditions can live to be in excess of 350 years of age. Sugar Maple has long been a Canadian symbol and its fall foliage varies from yellow to orange and sometimes hues of red. The Red Oak is the most common oak in our region. The foliage is typically dark green and transforms into a golden red each fall.


At the time of distribution, each tree’s trunk will be 1-inch in diameter and will stand approx. six to eight feet tall. Planting instructions, mulch and compost will be provided at the time of delivery. Scheduling of deliveries will be confirmed at a later date, but are expected to be in early May.



Submission should be in writing, either by letter, fax or email and sent to the individual Councillor’s office by April 8.


All applications should include:

·        contact information for the group requesting the tree

·        rationale or reason for requesting the tree

·        the proposed location of the planting site (indicate community or public property)

·        the delivery address. 



Roles and Responsibilities:


Councillor and Mayor's Offices

·        Councillors and the Mayor will solicit submissions for anniversary tree(s) from their constituents.

·        The Councillors’ and Mayor’s selection of locations should then be forwarded to the office of the City Forester where the requests will be reviewed against the city’s tree planting criteria. The deadline for public submissions to the Councillor office is April 8; the deadline for Councillors to have the selection to Forestry Services is April 15.

·        Councillors and the Mayor may be requested to officiate at tree-planting ceremonies.



·        Forestry staff, as well as members of the Ottawa Forests and Greenspace Advisory Committee will work with representatives of the Councillor and Mayor’s offices to select and finalize all planting locations.


Forestry Services Contact

Requests for information on the anniversary program should be directed to Tracey Schwets, Forestry Services Program Coordinator at 580-2424 ext 43202. Forestry Services will compile the list of locations and schedule delivery of the trees.


The list of locations must be received by Forestry Services no later than April 15, 2005.