River Ward City Councillor Maria McRae's Report to Hunt Club Community Organization 1 March 2010

2869 Gibford Drive - Update

On February 17, 2010, the Committee of Adjustment granted the application for a Minor Variance from the Zoning By-law to permit an increase in height to 19.5 metres for the proposed hotel, whereas the By-law permits a maximum height of 11.0 metres. The Owner intends to construct a new 48.5 m x 18.2 m, 98 suite, 6-storey hotel. The existing commercial building located on the property will be demolished or relocated in accordance with the By-law.

2010 Civic Events Funding Program

I would like to invite the HCCO and any interested community organization to apply for funding under the 2010 Civic Events Funding Program, to provide one to two-day civic events with free admission that foster civic pride and develop community cohesion. These events are linked to and celebrate a civic/statutory holiday (i.e., Victoria Day, Canada Day), are held in a specific geographic district in Ottawa, and encompass a broad range of activities (family entertainment).
Maximum Allocation: $2,000
Application Deadline: March 24,2010
Application forms are available at City of Ottawa Client Service Centres or by visiting www.ottawa.ca/communityfunding. For more information, please feel free to contact my office at 613-580-2486.

City Outdoor Rinks: Closed for the Season

The City of Ottawa's outdoor skating rinks are closed for the rest of the season. They were scheduled to close on Sunday, February 28, 2010, but warm weather conditions caused the rink to close a few days early. The City's 236 outdoor rinks will open again next winter when conditions allow.

Ice Breaking Operations

Each spring during the freshet, when water flow reaches its peak, the City of Ottawa's Public Works branch undertakes ice clearing operations on the Rideau River to allow water to flow unrestricted and reduce potential river flooding. The operations occur between Rideau Falls and Hog's Back and involve a number of steps, including cutting of the keys, ice breaking and placement of an ice control boom.

This year, the Rideau River Flood Control Program has garnered international attention. The British television network, BBC Earth, will be filming the flood control operations this spring for its show Human Planet, which looks at the relationship between man and nature in environments around the world. The Human Planet episode will air in the spring of 2011 on the Canadian Discovery channel. This is the first time in history that flood control operations will be filmed for a documentary.

On February 23, 2010,1 was pleased to join the John Manconi, the General Manager of Public Works, and Human Planet's Associate Producer, Ciaran Flannery, at a media event where we discussed the Rideau River flood control efforts. Ice breaking operations, including blasting, are set to begin Saturday, February 27, 2010, weather and ice conditions permitting, on the Rideau River between Rideau Falls and Hog's Back.

A Reminder to Parents and Teachers:
Ice breaking operations will create open water. Children should be supervised at all times around water and warned of the dangers of open water. During ice breaking and blasting operations, it is important to keep children away from the Rideau River.

The City, in partnership with the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, undertakes ice breaking operations each year to alleviate possible spring flooding in flood-prone areas. Once started, these operations will be carried out daily. Residents are asked to remain a reasonable distance from the river until operations are completed.

Community Environmental Initiatives Application

With environmental and climate-change concerns growing globally, I want to remind you that funding is available to make a difference, beginning in our local environment, through the Community Environment Projects Grants Program (CEPGP). Funding totaling $50,000 is available through CEPGP for community-based initiatives and nonprofit organizations interested in improving and preserving the environment in such areas as solid waste diversion, water efficiency, wastewater management, water environment protection and sustainable development. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, March 31, 2010. For more information on CEPGP and its eligibility requirements, you can visit www.ottawa.ca or call my office at 613-580-2486.

2010 Civic Appreciation Awards: Nominate a Volunteer

You can show your gratitude to that special individual by nominating them for a City of Ottawa Civic Appreciation Award.

The City's Civic Appreciation Awards ceremony is held each spring following National Volunteer Week. This volunteer appreciation program provides an opportunity to nominate and recognize individuals, groups and organizations that volunteer in a variety of ways throughout the city. The deadline for nominations is Friday, March 26, 2010. Nominations can be completed online at www.ottawa.ca or you can also download and print the form. Nomination forms are also available at any Client Service Centre or any branch of the Ottawa Public Library.

Awards will be presented in the following categories:

For more information on the Civic Appreciation Awards, visit www.ottawa.ca/volunteering or call my office at 613-580-2486.

Integrated Road Safety Program (IRSP) January Results

The Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) focus on tailgating and stop sign running resulted in 258 charges being laid in January, according to the City's Integrated Road Safety Program (IRSP). Specifically, 46 tickets were issued to drivers following the vehicle ahead too closely and the stop sign running initiative resulted in the laying of 212 charges.

March Initiative
The City's Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) will be weighing-in in March on heavy vehicles, motorists operating unsafe vehicles, and drivers with a lead foot on the gas pedal. In 2008, 114 reportable collisions involved unsafe vehicles on Ottawa roads. These collisions led to 26 injuries, three were life-threatening. Causes of these collisions included defective brakes, steering, wheels and suspension, as well as tire blowout. In addition to focusing on unsafe vehicles, this initiative will also include heavy vehicle inspections. These inspections will be done to ensure: compliance with weight restrictions, that loads are properly secured, and that heavy vehicles are not being driven on restricted load roadways. Properly maintained documentation, certificates and logs will also be inspected.

Speeding is also a serious issue on Ottawa roads. In 2008, 3,592 reportable collisions occurred on Ottawa roads as a result of drivers exceeding the speed limit or driving too fast for road and weather conditions. These collisions resulted in nine deaths and 990 injuries - including 55 serious injuries.

Affordable Program for Low-income Women to Get Active and Feel Great

The City of Ottawa is providing low-income women an affordable opportunity to get fit and enjoy the benefits of a healthy lifestyle through the Woman Alive/Femme active Program. Exercise and proper diet sets a strong foundation for women to help prevent chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure and heart disease, and lead longer, healthier lives. However, many fitness/wellness programs come with a price tag that low-income women cannot afford. Woman Alive/Femme active is now in its 13th year. Ottawa Public Health, Parks and Recreation, and partners in healthy living are delivering the program at nine City community and recreation facilities. Just for a one-dollar contribution for each class, participants can get fit, learn about healthy choices, and meet new people.

Good health is a priceless benefit that everyone should enjoy. This unique program is available at the following locations: Kanata Leisure Centre, Plant Recreation Centre, Dempsey Community Centre, Overbrooke-Forbes Community Resource Centre(French), Foster Farm Community Centre, Morrison Gardens, Jack Purcell Community Centre, Lowertown Community Centre, South East Ottawa CHC.

A recent survey showed that 97 per cent of the participants would recommend the program to a friend. For more information on the Woman Alive/Femme Active Program, call the Ottawa Public Health information line at 613-580-6744 or visit www.ottawa.ca/health.

Lansdowne Park Update

On February 19, 2010, The City of Ottawa announced the names of five firms who have been invited to compete for the design of Lansdowne Park's open space. A Request for Qualifications for design companies interested in the public-space design competition was released on January 16, 2010 and closed on February 11, 2010. After receiving 21 submissions, the short-listed firms are:

With this selection, the work of the design firms will begin promptly with the gathering of information and ideas for the new open space. On Wednesday, February 24, 2010 and Thursday, February 25, 2010, the selected design firms met with the City, the National Capital Commission (NCC) and the Parks Canada Agency in a design symposium. Community groups and citizens were able to learn about the design teams' background and past projects, and provide comments about what they think should be built in the open space.

The firms will each develop their proposed park designs. In May, the five different designs will be unveiled to the City for further public comments. The park designs and public feedback will be considered by a seven-member jury, including: Strategic Design Review and Advisory Panel members George Dark and Marianne McKenna; Councillor Hume; one representative each from the NCC and Parks Canada Agency; and two other nationally renowned design professionals. The jury's choice will be presented to the NCC's Advisory Committee on Planning, Design and Realty (ACPDR) and board of directors, and Ottawa City Council for approval in June 2010.

The design competition for the greenspace at Lansdowne Park was one of a number of conditions placed by Ottawa City Council last November on the Lansdowne Partnership Plan. That plan is a partnership between an Ottawa business group, Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group, and the City to:

The design process for the new urban park is being overseen by the City of Ottawa in cooperation with the National Capital Commission, which owns greenspace next door and Queen Elizabeth Driveway, and Parks Canada Agency, which owns the UNESCO-designated World Heritage Site, Rideau Canal National Historic Site of Canada. For more information on the Lansdowne Partnership Plan and for upcoming committee dates and locations, visit www.ottawa.ca/lansdownepartnership.