Regional Ward R16 Councillor Wendy Stewart's Report to Hunt Club Community Organization 4 September 1996

Vandalism - Owl Park/R. Byrns Curry Public School

Over the summer, my office has been contacted by several residents who live in the immediate vicinity of Owl Park and R. Byrnes Curry Public School concerning the escalation of vandalism in their community in recent weeks. Incidents include the torching of a portable behind the school, breaking of windows at a private residence, alcohol consumption and bonfires, it had been suggested that a group of 12-13 year olds are responsible. Police have been active.

Residents of the Foxdown Condominium Corporation are very concerned for this situation which has gone from mischief in the park to wide-spread vandalism in the community. I understand that the City of Ottawa has been requested to enact a bylaw to prohibit activity in the park after a specified tune. It has also been suggested that lighting be upgraded in the vicinity of the schools.

On behalf of the community at large I have requested the assistance of the Ottawa-Carleton Regional Police Service in dealing with this matter. I am meeting with the Inspector in charge of this sector on September 9 to review strategy to date and will be scheduling a public forum in the near future.

Regional Development Strategy

In mid-June, RMOC released its proposed Regional Development Strategy which sets guidelines for development up to the year 2021. It deals with future population growth, jobs, land use, transit, roads, water and wastewater requirements.

One of the key principles behind the Regional Development Strategy is the need to keep down the cost of servicing new growth. The Strategy therefore proposes to encourage development where services already exist - meaning within the current urban boundaries. Such an approach would translate into a better use of existing roads and transit facilities, water and sewer systems.

The Development Strategy also emphasizes the need for phasing development over time. New roads will not be built until they are absolutely needed. While in the past roads were generally planned for expansion or modification when they had reached 80 percent capacity during peak periods, the Development Strategy proposes to change that standard to 90 per cent.

A transit first priority is also being recommended as part of the Development Strategy, making road widening an option of last resort. In keeping with this approach, citizens will be encouraged to use the transportation network wisely and adopt alternative modes of transportation.

In addition to recommending that more growth be accommodated inside the Greenbelt, the Regional Development Strategy will also encourage growth where a balance between housing and jobs can be achieved. Whereas in the past it was hoped that business would locate close to housing, development will now be encouraged where jobs are found.

This is perhaps the single most important issue/direction that Regional Council will be involved in this term (part of the new Official Plan). On September 23 and 24 a joint Planing and Environment and Transportation Committee meeting will be held (beginning at 9:00 a.m. each day) to discuss the draft RDS. It is expected that public delegations will be heard on September 23, with deliberations on the 24th. I table a copy of the Executive Summary of the Report and the Daily Plan-it newsletter on the RDS, but would be pleased to provide detailed reports to your association if requested.

Transit Forum at Regional Headquarters

Thursday September 12, Colonel By Room, presentations at 4:30 & 7:30 p.m.. OC Transpo is currently reviewing its service design guidelines as part of their new Business Plan, and are looking for your input. The guidelines are important because they will help determine where, when and how often buses run. Under review are hours of service, frequency of service, and walking distance. The challenge is to find a reasonable balance among the three components and accommodate it within our financial resources.

If you can't attend the Forum, please fax comments to OC Transpo at 741-7359, or for more information, call 741-4390.

Guide to Regional Government

Last year, the Region produced the first Guide to Regional Government booklet which was received very positively by the public. Ten thousand copies ran out within a month. Incorporating many helpful recommendations from readers, our Information office has produced a second, updated version which should also be a valuable resource for residents.

Reminder - Leaf and Yard Waste Collection

WEEKLY Leaf and Yard Waste service for Ottawa will begin the week of September 30 and continue until and including the week of November 4.

McCarthy Woods

For Director Sue Taylor I submit a copy of the response from Mayor Holzman to my letter regarding McCarthy Woods.