Minutes of Meeting 4 January 2010


Kevan Shantz: He is the new Community Centre Director. He has worked for the City for 25 years. The renovated Community Centre will become available in stages - this week the Weight Room will be open. Vollyball and Step Dancing should start by the end of the month. For dates of specific programs, phone Kevan at 613 521-1392.
Fred McLennan: Will the Recreation Centre be staffed by union members and will this affect fees for programs?
Kevan Shantz: Yes the Centre will be staffed by union members but this should not affect fees for programs.

John Sankey: He circulated the contact list that is on the web site and asked board members to update their information.

Motion: To approve the December minutes. Moved by Alan Asselstine, seconded by Liz Russell, carried.

Nichole Hoover: She presented the Councillor's Report.

Peter Brimacombe: He read that the City doesn't want plastic bags in the compost program. The Glad Compostable bags claim to be 100% biodegradable - can they be used?
Nichole Hoover: She will check. Later someone from her office phoned and said that they cannot.

Motion: With respect to the Hunt Club Community Pathway Connection to the Southeast Transitway Environmental Assessment Study report, the Hunt Club Community Organization strongly supports the Environmental Assessment study's recommended plan for the pathway connection between the Hunt Club community (at Cahill Drive West) and the Southeast Transitway (at the South Keys Transitway station). Moved by Alan Asselstine, seconded by Peter Foulger, carried.

Jerry Beausoleil: Noted three areas where new development affects traffic: 3860-3930 Riverside Drive, 300 Hunt Club ( T&T), 2869 Gibford Drive.
Motion: Jerry Beausoleil will write a letter regarding the proposed development at 2869 Gibford Drive stating our opposition to more traffic lights on Hunt Club Road. Moved by Jerry Beausoleil, seconded by Peter Brimacombe, carried.

John Sankey: The City has approved funding of three keystone monuments to the Poets' Pathway.
Motion: To support the installation of a monument to Archibald Lampman to be erected just north of the Community Centre to mark the Poets' Pathway. Moved by John Sankey, seconded by Liz Russell, carried.

Peter Brimacombe: His daughter takes her daughter to Owl Park. Most dog owners keep their dogs on a leash but some do not. On one occasion she felt threatened by a doberman pinscher. On another there were two cocker spaniels and one was jumping up on her. The owner explained that the dog was deaf and so could not hear his commands! He was under the impression that his dogs do not have to be on a leash in the Park. A City sign would make it clear that dogs must be on a leash and must not be close to the play structures.
John Sankey: Call 311 and register a complaint to the City bylaw officer.

John Sankey: Next meeting will be Monday February 1, 2010.