Meetings & Documents

February 5, 2007

Monthly Meeting
February 5, 2007


  • Fred McLennan, President
  • Peter Brimacombe, Secretary
  • Shelley Parlow
  • John Sankey
  • Art Miskew
  • Pat Murphy, Assistant to the Councillor
  • Gillian Villeneuve
  • Carol Evoy
  • Karen Izzard
  • Jean Bourdeau
  • Sylvie Bourdeau
  • Ivy-Lea Lunau
  • Ron Brulé
  • Diane Brulé
  • Natalie Brulé
  • Romeo Lafleur
  • Karen Gravelle
  • Margaret Burvill

Motion: To accept January’s minutes,
moved by Fred McLennan, seconded by Peter Brimacombe. carried

Pat Murphy presented the Councillor’s report.

John Sankey presented four bus stop motions The motions were presented and discussed. On each motion there was a general show of hands and the directors voted.
Four residents sent correspondence to the HCCO:

  • Corrine Mack, President Coady Co-op, stated that the Coady Co-op has not taken a position on this matter.
  • Martha Heyerdahl, Coady Co-op, objected to moving bus stop 4167
  • Nancy Kelly registered her opposition to the relocation of bus stop 4167.
  • Carol Evoy, Coady Co-op registered her objection to move bus stop 4167.

Eight residents verbally contacted the HCCO prior to the meeting

  • Hugh & Suzanne Donoghue agree with both bus stop moves.
  • Pierrette Downey fully supports reducing the number of bus stops.
  • Katie Holts is in favour of the general aims of the moves.
  • Gillian Villeneuve is in favour of the moves.
  • Mary Burgess, opposes move because she might lose the bus shelter.
  • Doug Izzard, opposes a bus stop in front of his house because of litter.
  • Jorge Chira opposes move – keep stop 4167 in the same place.

Bus Stop Motion 1: WHEREAS each extra OCTranspo stop increases travel time for members of our community, and WHEREAS each extra stop increases pollution and noise within our community, as well as increasing OCTranspo costs for fuel, snow clearing etc., and WHEREAS about 20% of OCTranspo stops system-wide are within 200 metres of an existing stop, closer than required to meet City Council directives regarding distances between residences and bus stops, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the HCCO requests OCTranspo to examine all routes serving the Hunt Club Community with a view to consolidating bus stops that are within 200 metres of each other.
Moved by John Sankey, seconded by Peter Brimacombe.

John Sankey: 20% of bus stops in the City are too close. Buses must stop more frequently which slows them down, wastes fuel and increases maintenance costs. Each extra bus stop delays each person on the bus 20 seconds. Total slowdown per day is calculated by multiplying 20 seconds by the number of people on the bus, multiplied by the number of buses on Uplands Drive per day. Total slowdown is four hours a day.

Carol Evoy: is in favour but would like to expand the scope to the whole City.

Diane Brulé: the calculations are not that simple because at night the buses will stop anywhere at request and often the buses don’t stop at any one stop.

Ron Brulé: is in favour of the first motion but questions the way the total slowdown of four hours was calculated.

Jean Bourdeau: as a homeowner would like to be consulted. A bus stop should never be put in front a house because it intrudes on the privacy of the homeowner. People waiting for the bus might decide to wait on a homeowner’s porch.

Karen Gravelle: never saw anyone standing on anyone’s front porch. The bus stop should be moved towards the park instead. Everyone is used to the bus stop at the Coady Co-op so why change it?

Sylvie Bourdeau: How is the HCCO elected? How was it formed?

Fred McLennan: The HCCO was founded in 1979, it represents the community and accepts nominations for director at its Annual General Meeting. It meets once a month, the directors are not paid.

Show of hands: 6 in favour, 4 opposed. Directors: 4 in favour, 1 opposed. carried

Bus Stop Motion 2: WHEREAS a major concern of residents living near OCTranspo bus stops is the amount of litter left by riders to blow around their area, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the HCCO requests OCTranspo to install and maintain refuse containers next to bus stops in our community where a litter problem is reported by local residents.
Moved by John Sankey, seconded by Peter Brimacombe

John Sankey: proposed this motion because it is a way to mitigate the problems caused by bus stops. He canvassed people at the bus stops and they said that litter was the problem.

Karen Gravelle: her group put out their own garbage container at the bus stop. Why are there bus shelters only on one side of the road?

Diane Brulé: City maintained garbage cans are poorly maintained and are an extra cost.

Gillian Villeneuve: Who would be responsible for the garbage cans: The City or OC Transpo?

Peter Brimacombe: We (the residents) look after and clean up our own garbage cans.

Art Miskew: There seems to be a difference of opinion on garbage cans at bus stops.

Ron Brulé: We look after our own garbage cans.

Show of hands: 1 in favour, 8 opposed
The motion was withdrawn.

Bus Stop Motion 3: WHEREAS OCTranspo stop 8451 is located a very short distance from the all-way stop at Huntwood Court and Uplands Drive, thus requiring buses to stop twice there, and WHEREAS some residents feel uncomfortable using this stop because of its proximity to a dense woods, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the HCCO requests OCTranspo to move this stop to the north-east corner of Huntwood Court.
Moved by John Sankey, seconded by Peter Brimacombe

John Sankey: He contacted six people in the area who are in favour of changing the bus stops: Hugh & Suzanne Donoghue, Pierrette Downey, Katie Holts, Gillian Villeneuve and Ron Brulé.

Ron Brulé: He was misunderstood because he is not in favour of changing the bus stops. If the bus stop is right at the intersection, the bus may block the view of the stop sign and a car might sail right through the intersection. It would be better to move it the other way.

John Sankey: It is now OC Transpo policy to put bus stops right at the stop signs.

Karen Gravelle: There are 74 housing units in the Coady Co-op, the people go to the bus stop in front of the Coady Co-op. You should leave it where it is.

Jean Bourdeau: You should move the bus stop the other direction. You should have the least possible impact on an established neighbourhood.

Carol Evoy: Why not just eliminate it (bus stop 8451)?

John Sankey: The overall goal is to improve efficiency and reduce cost. The two stops were chosen because they are close to home. A City Council directive to OC Transpo requires that 90% of residences within the urban area be within 400 meters of a bus stop during peak hours. This directive effectively mandates a stop at the intersection of Country Club to provide for residences on that street well south of Uplands; it also mandates one at the east intersection of Gillespie to serve that street and Hackett.

Ron Brulé: Move it to the east, towards the park instead.

Show of hands: 1 in favour, 10 opposed Directors: 1 in favour, 2 opposed. motion fails.

Bus Stop Motion 4: WHEREAS OCTranspo stops 4166 and 4167 are well within 200 metres of each other, and WHEREAS a stop at the corner of Gillespie Crescent and Uplands Drive is required in order to meet City Council directives on walking distance to bus stops, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the HCCO requests OCTranspo to consolidate these two stops to a location on the north-east corner of Gillespie Crescent and Uplands Drive and to install a bus shelter there on the city road allowance of Gillespie Crescent. Moved by John Sankey, seconded by Peter Brimacombe

Diane Brulé: There’s a shelter and a map at the existing bus stop. It’s a waste to move it.
Karen Izzard: She represents the home owners in front of the proposed bus stop. They object because it will adversely impact their property. They prefer things the way they are.
Carol Evoy: The existing bus stop should be kept because it has room to accommodate wheel chairs for the residents of the Coady Co-op.

Show of hands: 1 in favour, 10 opposed. Directors: 1 in favour, 4 opposed. motion fails.

Motion: To accept the HCCO Logo designed by Helen Dardick and to thank her for donating her professional design.
Moved by Fred McLennan, seconded by Peter Brimacombe. carried.

Next Meeting: Monday, March 5 2007 at 19:30