Meetings & Documents

June 3, 2013

Monthly Meeting
June 3, 2013


  • John Sankey, President
  • Peter Foulger, Treasurer
  • Peter Brimacombe, Secretary
  • Christine Johnson
  • Marilyn Koch
  • Issie Berish
  • Sylva Baroody
  • Fred McLennan
  • Gisèle Loiselle
  • Steve Long
  • Isabel Tang
  • Marcus Cole

John Sankey: He presented the agenda and asked for approval.

Motion: To approve the May minutes as amended. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by Marilyn Koch, carried.

John Sankey: Noted that the question on traffic counts at the intersections of Hunt Club and Riverside and Hunt Club and Prince of Wales is still outstanding.
Steve Long: What is the problem? This is public information. Why isn’t it publicly available?

Christine Johnson: Her group cleaned up the Hydro right-of-way behind Erin Crescent between Hunt Club and Lillico.
Marilyn Koch: She and seven other ladies cleaned up along McCarthy, Uplands, Paul Anka, the back of the Metro plaza and parts of Twyford. She noted that there is lots of garbage along Uplands Drive south of Hunt Club.
John Sankey: Liz Russell cleaned up Plante Drive and parts of McCarthy.
Peter Foulger: Cleaned up Paul Landry Park. City vehicles dumped something in the Park and left big gouges in the grass. There is still graffiti but the fence has been repaired.
Sylva Baroody: She and her children and eight other scout members cleaned up around Holy Family School and Owl Park.

Comments on the Councillor’s Report
John Sankey: Construction on the pedestrian bridge over the Airport Parkway is proceeding slowly. The City and Bray Construction are ‘papering the file’ anticipating legal procedures.
Christine Johnson: The lack of progress is frustrating.
John Sankey: There have been no design changes. Once the concrete of the deck is poured it must cure for 30 days.

Christine Johnson: She encouraged the Board to do the survey on the Library:

Steve Long: He commented on 700 Hunt Club Road. He wondered how nearby residents would be affected.
Christine Johnson: Sound barriers and the placement of the Seniors Residence should provide protection.
Issie Berish: There are not going to be enough parking places.
John Sankey: Drive-through food businesses on Hunt Club do an astounding business.

Issie Berish: I have a Presto Card and it works! He used it to pay for himself and his daughter.

Christine Johnson: Hunt Club Our Community: Here are articles she is preparing for the September Issue: solar electrical panels and thermal heating, an article on community policing, Linda Dubois re the open house on Shearwater Court, communty gardens, What do you like about our community? The idea is to elicit responses rather than do a survey. Responses can be dropped off at the Community Festival September 7 or sent via e-mail to the editor.

Peter Foulger: Presented the Treasurer’s Report.

Gisèle Loiselle: The City is spending $50,000 a year to pick up shopping carts. The stores own the carts and they should pay to pick them up.
Issie Berish: On May 16, City Council directed staff to draft a bylaw dealing with shopping carts.

Motion: That the City fine or charge the stores for each shopping cart that it picks up. Moved by Peter Brimacombe, seconded by Christine Johnson, carried.

Peter Foulger: Beside Hunt Club Creek between Uplands and Gillespie there are a lot of fallen trees. The City needs to send a crew to haul them away. A neighbour reported that the path along the Creek is being used for drug dealing.

Christine Johnson: Reported on FCA activities. The FCA encourages participation in the City’s on-line survey on bicycle and pedestrian paths. The last possible date to treat ash trees against the emerald ash borer is the end of June. Hintonburg has started a development watch on its website. June 2nd to the 9th is Good Neighbour’s Week.
John Sankey: There are at least 180,000 ash trees on City property.
Gisèle Loiselle: The City will saw a few ash trees into boards which will be used to decorate the new LRT stations.

Christine Johnson: The sign on Erin Crescent should be changed from Adopt a Park to Adopt a Road.

Isabel Tang: She has made an HCCO page on Facebook.

Next meeting: September 9 at 19:00